Leith frowned when Cynn spoke to someone named Annabeth. He turned around, and saw the girl that he bumped into earlier that day. He had not been expecting her to be there, so when he saw her, he gave a small shout of surprise and jumped. With a chuckle, Leith stood up from his kneeling position and addressed Annabeth. "Hello, Annabeth. Did you just walk in, or was I oblivious to you when I walked in?" He smiled. "Either way, sorry about the intrusion." He walked over to the bed and took a deep breath. [i]Hopefully this will work.[/i] Leith was certain that it would work, but he was worried that for some reason the gauntlet wouldn't work, and he would look like a fool trying to lift a bed with the gauntlet in his hand. He reached out and grabbed the bed frame with the gauntlet, wincing at the sound of cracking wood. "Damn, I gripped it too hard. Anyway." with a grunt, Leith pulled up. Without any signs of resistance, he was able to lift the bed easily, and with Annabeth's help, he moved the bed towards the centre of the half of the room. When Cynn was out from under the bed, Leith sat against the wall and sighed. He took off his gauntlet and set it on the ground beside him. He was starting to feel a bit worried about the gauntlet. Mainly because it was starting to get more and more difficult to get off. He knew that if he wore it for a long time, the gauntlet would fuse to his arm. He didn't mind the thought of having the gauntlet attached to his arm, but he [i]did[/i] mind that fact that he would have to relearn how to grab objects without using too much strength. He looked at Cynn and Annabeth and spoke. "Well, today was an interesting day for me. First we happen upon Mar after she had her baby," he said as he nodded toward Annabeth. "Then I bumped into Uicle, who was a hair's breadth away from going on a rampage before he bumped into me, and then hear someone calling for help, and find Cynn trapped under her bed. How was your day today?" Leith asked with a smile. [i]What else could happen today?[/i] Leith thought wryly.