Appearance: [hider=Pictures][img=] [img=][/hider] Name: Hyuga Reina Age: 19 Gender: Female Rank: Special Jounin Element/s: Water Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan [hider=My Spoiler][url=]Info about Byakugan[/url][/hider] Clan: Hyuga About Hyuga clan: [hider=Hyuga Clan]The Hyuuga clan were one of the founding noble families of Leaf village. The clan itself is said to be the ancestors of the Uchiha clan who possess the bloodline of the Sharingan eye. Each clan member possess the "Byakugan" or "White Eye." When the "Byakugan" is activated, the clan member gains an extra-sensory perception, which gives them penetrating sight and telescopic vision. This allows them to see the internal chakra circulation system in other beings. This vision also grants the member a near 360° view of their surroundings. The higher the skill of the clan member, the further the distance from which they can sense incoming attacks. Unfortunately the vision does have a weakness, a small blindspot that extends outwards from their upper back.  The clan uses this ability in conjunction with their own chakra creating the Juuken (gentle fist) fighting style. By focusing the chakra to their finger tips, they can press the tenketsu or chakra pressure points of their opponents body. When the finger nears the tenketsu the chakra is forced out, collasping the targetted tenketsu for a period of time. The tenketsu serve as the connectors and exit points for the chakra pathways. So when they are stopped by the Hyuuga clan member, the ninja greatly loses his or her ability to utilize their chakra for jutsu.  These great powers lead to internal strife within the family. Because the eye grants such a unique and powerful ability, the clan became possessive and over-protective of it. Seeing only the main family as worthy users and inheritors of the eye, the heads of the clan began to place restrictions on those branch family members not in power. What resulted were two Hyuuga lines, the powerful main family who would represent the line, and the branch family who were directed to protect the main family and bear the cursed seal. [/hider] Personality: Despite her history, she's mostly a bright person, and is usually pretty calm. The only area where her brains don't work on, is perceiving large surroundings. She has got absolutely ZERO homing instinct. Even though she might not look like it, she's analyzing everything around her all the time, keeping mental notes on people's behavior, words, and even the movements of their hands. After all her years in Anbu, she can't prevent herself from doing that. She's good at hiding her emotions, and usually people see only the bright side of her. She's taught not to show her fear nor emotions even if she knew that she was standing next to a disguised murderer. This is why she's been a perfect ninja for missions where you need to keep your calm and pretend to be on the same side with the enemy. History: When she was born, her father had already died on a mission, and her mother died after giving birth. She became the "child of everyone" inside the Hyuga-clan, and was raised by the whole clan. This is why she never came to know the warmth of a family, even though she saw it every day. It wasn't just directed at her. It's not like she was hated or despised in the clan. It's just that no-one really loved her. That's the only thing which she has ever really yearned for. She was put under a high pressure about succeeding well, and becoming useful to the Hyuga-Clan. Even though no-one spoke their expectations out loud, she could still sense the thoughts of the clan's elders. Because of it, she went through a ridiculously hard training every day, starting from the age of 6. She graduated from the academy at the age of 9, and became a chunin at the age of 10. After turning 13, she was promoted to a "Special Jounin", only because of her amazing field of vision (byakugan) and also otherwise a great ability of analyzing people. It was useful on secret missions, such as anbu-missions, which is why she became a member of anbu slightly before she turned 14. After that, she has been mostly on secret missions, having seen so many horrifying things that she can't even keep a count on them anymore. Why she could never become a full Jounin, was the lack of her abilities in ninjutsu and genjutsu. Hyuga-family's taijutsu was the only style which she had ever really trained, only to be respected by the Hyuga-clan's elders, so she pretty much lacks the skills of ninjutsu and genjutsu, but is currently trying to practise them. Anbu mask: [hider=Picture][img=][/hider] Jutsu: [Copied from Narutowikia] [hider=Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm]This technique is similar in practice to Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, but has a specific target rather than a general area. To perform it, the user precisely pinpoints the enemy's vital points with the Byakugan and releases a high-speed palm thrust. A "vacuum shell" compressed using the Gentle Fist is formed to attack the opponent's vitals from a distance, blowing them off their feet with tremendous force before they even notice they were hit.[/hider] [hider=Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven]A secret taijutsu that is orally handed down only within the main house of the Hyūga, this technique utilises the chakra control gained through Gentle Fist training to release a huge amount of chakra from all the chakra points on the user's body. It is also a defensive manoeuvre to compensate for the Byakugan's blind spot as the released chakra blocks any possible attack on the user. After releasing chakra from every tenketsu in their body, the user then spins rapidly to parry the attack, both creating a rotating shield of chakra around themselves and tossing away any nearby attackers. The user can also actively control the size and power of the sphere to suit the situation. This technique is only effective when rotating, since the chakra itself is not enough to stop a physical attack thus if they cannot spin, the user becomes vulnerable./hider] [hider=Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher ]A more powerful variation of Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm. The user hits the target at close range with a powerful wave of chakra emitted from their palm, which sends them flying back, causing severe damage.[/hider] [hider=Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms]The Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms is a taijutsu that should only be passed down in the main house of the Hyūga. It is a dangerous technique that is appropriately handed down from father to only a single child within the Hyūga clan. It is a manoeuvre of the Gentle Fist fighting style.[2] With the Byakugan's near 360° field of vision, the user envisions an Eight Trigrams circle. Then the enemy within this circle is hit with a series of violent blows. By striking sixty-four of the tenketsu throughout the opponent's Chakra Pathway System, their chakra flow is stopped, making them unable to even stand. Once someone is within range of the user's field of divination, the user assumes a Gentle Fist stance and begins to deliver the attack: First, two consecutive strikes to make two. Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four. Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight. Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen. Fifth, sixteen consecutive strikes to make thirty two. Sixth, another thirty two consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of sixty four strikes. The sixth consecutive attack needs a strong step forward, because without it the technique will fail. Each set of strikes is done at an exponentially increasing pace and strength. The attack not only disables the enemy but also knocks them back with every set of strikes.[/hider] [hider=The Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms]The Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms is a technique of the Gentle Fist fighting style. It is essentially a doubled version of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms performed at twice the speed. This technique is used to close off the flow of chakra through one hundred and twenty-eight chakra points of an opponent's Chakra Pathway System. This eliminates their ability to use chakra for quite some time and makes it difficult for them to move. Alternatively, it can be used to hit a great number of targets very quickly. [/hider] [hider=Gentle Fist Art One Blow Body]A technique born from their innate ability to expel chakra from every tenketsu on their body, a member of the Hyūga clan can hit their opponent with a blast of chakra that will send them flying away from the user. It is also known that this technique can be used with pin-point accuracy to target the weak point of a technique which for ex. traps people inside them.[/hider] [hider=Palm Bottom]This attack consists of a quick, precise thrust of the user's palm to an opponent's body. Like other Gentle Fist techniques, it sends chakra into the target to cause internal damage which will temporarily paralyse an opponent.[/hider] [hider=Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms]Created by Hinata, this is a highly versatile technique which affords both offensive and defensive capabilities whereby she emits a constant stream of chakra from her palms, which are formed into extremely thin, sharp, blades. While using this technique offensively, Hinata shapes the chakra into thin, sharp, flexible blades allowing her to hit hundreds of targets with extreme precision and can cut smaller targets, like bees, into pieces. When used defensively, Hinata creates much larger, stronger, more flexible, arc-shaped chakra blades that spread out across her entire attack range, effectively forming a barricade between herself and her opponents, rebuffing even the largest and smallest of targets. With the addition of Hinata's flexibility, the technique creates an "absolute defence" effect similar to that of the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, though the cutting nature of the chakra prevents any outside force from restricting it.[/hider] ABOUT GENTLE FIST: [hider=Gentle Fist]The Gentle Fist (柔拳, Jūken) or Gentle Fist Art (柔拳法, Jūkenpō) is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan. It inflicts internal damage through attacking the body's Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their own chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name "gentle" fist. Targeting the tenketsu can enhance the havoc and control a Gentle Fist practitioner can impose upon an opponent's chakra network. These special nodes, 361 in total, are key gatekeeping interceptions in the chakra circulatory network, thus forcibly opening or sealing them in whatever manner the Gentle Fist user sees fit is a powerful tactical option to have. The user's chakra can either increase chakra flow in the opponent's body, or disrupt it completely, preventing them from using techniques as seen in Neji's fight with Hinata during the Chūnin Exams. Neji Hyūga remarked that any chakra-based substance can be destroyed by this technique. As seen in his fight with Kidōmaru, it is done by leaking chakra from the chakra openings in one's hands and moulding it into a needle-like shape to slice through the chakra. However it is unknown if this technique can be done by any Gentle Fist user or just those who can see the tenketsu. Because the chakra pathway system is invisible to the naked eye, the Byakugan is required for this style to be used effectively. Since the Byakugan is unique to the Hyūga clan, it has become their signature style of combat. The ability to inflict severe internal trauma with minimal external force, combined with chakra network manipulation, makes the Gentle Fist the most reputable and fearsome taijutsu style known in all of Konohagakure. In contrast to this, the technique can also be used for supplementary purposes such as helping comrades on the battlefield. This was displayed by Hinata during the Fourth Shinobi World War when she used the technique to fix Naruto Uzumaki's dislocated shoulder joint.[/hider]