Name: Sakon Gekki Age: 25 Personality: Despite her serious demeanour, long training and gruff voice, Sakon is relative cheery for a samurai of 25 years. Its just that she keeps most of her feelings on the inside to instead show off a aura of certainty and seriousness. Her word is her bound, a bound stronger then death or sin it self Appearance: [img][/IMG] History: Born as the daughter to a poor farmer mother, Sakon was forced from day one to grow up. No time for play, it was work. Pointless, hard and painful work as she toiled the field that was outside her homestead. This was her childhood until her mother died of old age. As she was unable to run the farm alone she sold it and went to try seek her new fortune somewhere...that's where she was ambushed by two bandits. In that moment her true talent was shown...she was a amazing fighter. She with almost complete fluidity parried the sword strikes from these two numb-skulls with her walking stick. The thugs quickly got overpowered and ran After that she devoted her life to the powers of martial arts, and the art of using a sword. She quickly found a sensei willing to teach her...the training days are now over, now she is guarding a young summoner on her quest. Warrior Class: Samurai Weapon, if any: ''Ice cold Flame'' a massive [url=]NoDachi[/url]. She wields it in two hands Abilities: Bushido skills Extra Information: Likes flowers Open to romance: No