Because every Final Fantasy needs a dark and broody person…xD Picture of your character: [url= ]Nova[/url] Name: Nova Clayron Age: 23 Personality: Nova is a rather cold, distant person. However despite an at times nearly chilling exterior, he is a very loyal friend and ally. It seems to be hard to knock him off balance as an aura of calm always surrounds him. Nova can at times be quick to act though and his finger lands on the trigger without much remorse if such is demanded of him. While he seems cold and without much emotion, his heart is usually in the right place. Sarcasm seems to come easy to him when he isn’t too serious. History: It was a rather unlikely story that ended Nova up where he is now. Starting out since childhood as a fiend hunter, he never expected to end up next to a summer as her guardian. As like most in the profession, Nova grew up in a crew of hunters who raised him as their own, but as time went on, he would eventually seek his own path. These hunters scour Spira in search of fiends and put them to rest for a small fee to get their daily bread. Some would call them mere mercenaries but others would perhaps call them heroes. In the end, they are fiend hunters, no more, no less. All in all, Nova lead a simple life. Take a job, kill a few monsters, earn some credits and repeat. He enjoyed the simplicity of life and of course part of him slept well at night knowing that he had prevented innocent people from being devoured by rampant fiends, even though he didn’t quite show it. With Sin returning however, things got a bit difficult. Yes, business bloomed quite well actually. Sin appearing usually left a trail of fiends, but this wasn’t going to end well unless Sin itself was dealt with, and the only way to do that was through a pilgrimage. The knowledge was lost to most but one can never truly kill a tale, it will always remain in the words of people. Nova had occasionally heard about a mythical way to defeat the mythical beast, and as it was the only thing he could go on, it didn’t sound too far fetched. Well, it did, but aiming a gun at the flying whale of death didn’t sounds very effective. One could perhaps call it luck, but finding himself in Besaid that day made all the different for the rest of Nova’s life. There was a summoner there who indeed wanted to attempt to stop Sin. Nova was a fiend hunter, and Sin was the ultimate fiend. There was only one outcome to this decision, and that was joining the Summoner in her quest. She would need all the help she could get, and while Nova wasn’t the most affectionate person, he did enjoy Spira in one piece. Also, the life that would come with the conclusion of Sin’s demise was sure to leave him with more than he’d earn for killing a flan. Warrior Class: Gunner Weapon: [url=]Belladonna[/url] [url=]Flora[/url] Abilities: Quick Shot Sniper Shot Extra Information: Nova mainly uses his rifle and uses his pistol as a backup weapon. Open to romance: No