Aria sighed softly hearing the commotion and shouting about a run away cart, closing the small black book resting on her lap before tilting her head looking up though her pale blond hair, her keener sight spotting the stopped chart and several figures heading towards it before the gleaming red skin of the apples caught her attention reminding her that she hadn't eaten since she left her dwelling this morning. She had spent most of the day wandering through the stalls stopping here and there to catch up with a few 'friends' she had made over the past decade or so, playing a quick game of tag with some of the younger orphans roaming the darker alleys and shortcuts through the towers maze-like set up. Hearing her stomach growled she bit her lip softly wondering if she could sneak in there to at least snag one of the apples and slip back into the ground without being noticed or would just buying one be the safer option either way, run away carts weren't that uncommon thanks to the flying traffic now and then colliding with those stuck on the ground. [b]"Might as well..."[/b] She said softly depositing the book back into one of pant pockets, getting up and stretching in the same fluid motion her back popping slightly as she did testimony to the long hours she had been sitting in that same spot, she had been making notes on the different type of subspecies each of the kinds had, slightly marveled at the variance differences and crossbreeds, being one herself she felt a curiosity to how they dealt with the various reactions from the parent races or if they had to find solace and acceptance elsewhere. Weaving her way through the crowd nimbly she stopped a few feet away from the edge of the chart still hanging to the outskirts of the crowd of onlookers kneeling slightly as to sit down and watch deftly scooping up one of the apples rolling it around in her hands as she looked around herself noting and judging others reactions not entirely caring if she was seen or not, before returning her attention to the cart noting that it wasn't all that damaged, just not in the best of places to help with the flow of traffic.[b]"Just another day, huh..."[/b] She muttered softly to herself taking a small bite out the apple.