[quote=Zero Hex] So, the repeated claims to keep characters' skills and gear "realistic". Realistic how? I mean, okay, we don't want anyone being Badly Written Batman in regards to their skills, obviously, or people bringing in absurdly powerful technology, I totally get that, but realism doesn't really have a strong foothold in superhero comics and that's part of the reason why they're so fun. It just seems like that would potentially limit Gear and Skills heroes when compared to their superpowered brethren, who can just ignore realism because powers. As for the "Think technology at the level of the Dark Knight movies" thing, what if someone wants to be a sentient machine or a guy with a powersuit or just use pulp sci-fi stuff because it's fun and cool to have heroes like that? [/quote] Good points, this is good, more of this please. I wouldn't have noticed these flaws without this critique, feel free to point things out to me that you guys need clarification or needs fixing. On the topic of realism, that was mainly put in there as to restrict over-powered characters. All you really need to know about what I mean by being "realistic" is you can give yourself any power imaginable as long as it can be explained well. I mean WELL, I want a broad definition of the limits of your powers and their future potential. The same goes for skills and equipment. Definitely give yourself weaknesses please, and make them relevant and broad. I don't want Jesus Christ V2 whose only weakness is the water of a coconut owned by Tom Hanks. Something along the lines of "Short-temper" or "Fear of the dark", something the baddies can exploit. EDIT: And no shadow powers. In terms of technology I guess my description was poor, I originally envisioned this RP as a no-power RP, but decided to add powers to see how it went but I didn't add everything that entailed. If you want a power suit go for it, if you want some kind of supernatural weapon go for it, if you want an invisible suit go for it, just stay within reason and genre please. Also to answer riurik's question, you can be anyone, superhero already, or a 9-5 Office worker who has a strong sense of morality and doesn't hesitate to help people, as long as you can give a relevant reason as to why your character would accept Puriel's invitation and why Puriel would even offer them the invitation in the first place. Also to be clear [b]powers are NOT[/b] required. I myself plan not to give my hero powers but cybernetic implants instead.