Ryle was woken up rather rudely by her brothers, just like every morning. Not wanting to deal with them any longer, she got ready, and quickly left the house. She figured her friends would be at their usual meeting spot, but much like others, she was pushed and shoved by the creatures of the Organization. It didn’t take her long to figure out it was one of those random days when the children were taken to the meeting house for the Inspection Ceremony. Ryle arrived inside the building, seeing her friends and others she recognized. Off to the side she noticed scientists which she warily avoided and headed towards her friends, giving a curt nod as a greeting, trying to stay calm. She never had problems before when tested for having creature come out of her head out of nowhere, why would today be different? Her brothers were just old enough to no longer go to the ceremonies, and they tested negative, so surely it was genetic and she wouldn’t either, right? Soon enough, it was Ryle’s turn, and she went through the same drawn out explanation of what the man was going to do and how it worked. She didn’t really listen but winced slightly when the pen-like object touched her head. She stared at the image, much like others had before her, and much like she herself had before. Only this time, the device began to let off a beep. Ryle blinked in confusion, wondering if it’s batteries were dying or something, but before she knew it, she was grabbed by the monsters again and carried out the door. She noticed others were as well. She squirmed as best she could, kicking and scratching, but her vision was obscured by a blindfold and fear began to set in. Ryle was roughly thrown unto a hard surface, and was pretty sure her leg was bruised from the impact. She could hear others in wherever they were as well, but the fear of the unknown overwhelmed her.