Kyle's thoughts on everyone: Maya Chen - I think Kyle would be drawn to her because of the similarity of their conditions, especially in comparison to everyone else. He would probably have tried to befriend her despite the large age gap in the hope that he can have someone to talk to who unlike everyone else actually knows somewhat what his condition is like. While this wouldn't be the state of affairs at the start of the RP, with Dr Blake dead, if Kyle was looking for a new mentor figure it would mostly likely be in her. Joseph Harrell - His feeling of him are mixed, on the one hand he feels angry about how Joseph's actions caused so much hurt in the lives of his family, something Kyle didn't eve n get the chance to have. On the other hand he sympathies with the clearly broken man. He's lost a wife (similarly to him) and a child and from experience knows what that can do to someone. As well as the fact he is there shows how he is repentant about how his actions led to his wife and child left him. He'd see him as a brother of sorts in mental suffering, hoping that he can get past his disorder so he can live his family life again and not waste it a second time. Aimee Askins - Kyle would immediately feel protective of her, compared to everyone else she is so young yet she suffers like the rest of them. He finds it tragic circumstance that she has to spend her youth in therapy and similarly to Joseph hopes she can pull through to live the rest of her youth relatively normally. He finds her bubbly personality refreshing in comparison to the demeanor of everyone else and would probably be keen to talk to her whenever he wants to forget about his problems. Alma Evans - Kyle didn't like her pretentiousness, he would probably see it as if she felt above the rest of the group despite being there in therapy with them. At the same time he did pity her, she, like everyone else in the group, had suffered in some way and he could tell by look it at her that she had lived a life of sadness. As far as Kyle could tell, they didn't really have too much in common and he didn't know enough about her, he would be amiable to her, as with everyone in the group, but there probably would be anything else. If anything develops, it will be during the RP.