Ok, so this is my attempt, which is hopefully decent enough. I wound up sticking with what Glimmer wore for my own storm fairy, Iona. Let me know if my take on the whole storm talent is alright as I am going for an experienced fairy, but one with a good amount of learning potential to go. [hider=Iona]Beneath the shade of an old oak tree, just beside the glimmering stream, a darkened cloud hovered around, strangely out of place to that of the sun soaked surroundings. A thickening fog one might mistaken a peculiar sight as this, if not for those bright flashing lights streaking throughout its form, from time to time. Attempting to understand, a curious glance carefully spotted a blonde haired fairy, casually sitting against the same tree, comfortably wearing black and grey sport attire. Was this the particular storm fairy causing the minor disturbance? Her eyes remained captivated, keeping focus upon each energy ball that formed as they were playfully tossed into the air, safely absorbed by the miniature cloud above, and released as energy streaks towards her open palm in return. Unable to contain her growing excitement, Deeta shouted out, catching Iona unaware of the presence of onlookers. What concentration Iona held onto, soon escaped from the very palm of her hand, vanishing from sight in a meager fizzle. Even the storm cloud above was surprised, its intimidating color immediately fading to a tranquil white, before dissipating entirely. Leaning forward with a friendly smile, Iona called out to Deeta. “That little storm cloud of mine caught your attention, huh?” “Yes! Yes it did!” Her wings remained a flutter and her eyes were wide with delight as her presence closed in on Iona. “Well, that is good to hear.” Iona picked herself off the ground and stood up, brushing herself off along the way. “So, are you interested in seeing something else before [i]those two[/i] rush you away from all of the fun?“ Her words teased, knowing how reluctant some of the other fairies were of her alarming talent. “I don’t know about that. I just don’t think Iona is safe enough to be around, for a new fairy like Deeta. Wouldn’t you agree?” One of the fast-flyers turned to the other, cautioning to the dangers of lightning, even under controlled circumstances. The second fast-flyer kept quiet, keeping an eye on Deeta as her advances stopped. “There is always a possibility, but please trust Iona to be safe with her talent. Just because there have been some problems with others, doesn’t mean she is one of the same. She has over two years of experience after all.” The fast-flyer looked towards Iona once more who looked directly back in confidence. “I think Deeta can go see for herself if she really wants to.” Receiving no denial of permission, Deeta was urged to take a look. With Deeta darting over, Iona spoke of her appreciation towards the two fast-flyers. “Thanks you two! I really mean it!” Iona’s smile widened as she closed in on a large glass orb resting upon the ground, Deeta soon to follow near. “Don’t worry, this will be fairly quick and painless.” Iona's calm words were focused towards her new arrival. “Just watch and see.” Placing a finger upon the smooth surface of the globe, a flicker of static struck the glass, sending off an array of energy streaks in various directions. A lift of her finger and the energy disappeared from view. “It’s ready, go ahead and try it out. Just touch the surface and see for yourself.” Deeta reached out with a hesitant finger, surprised to see another marvel occur, controlled with all but a single touch. The white, free-motioning energy safely enclosed in glass, followed along with the tracing of a finger as if attracted to her very presence. “Go ahead, try placing two fingers on the orb.” Iona didn't need to tell her anything more, seeing Deeta already doing so at her own discretion. “You see, now the energy is moving in two separate ways with the place of another finger.” It wasn’t quite the same as being a full-fledged storm fairy, but it was always an entertaining introduction nevertheless for some of the new fairies. “Not everyone will appreciate what I do, but it seems you have found it to be neat enough.” Iona glanced over her shoulder, noticing both of Deeta’s guides hinting to come along. “Looks like your escorts are ready to move on ahead, so you might want to follow as I don’t want you to be left behind so soon.” “Ok... it was nice to meet you.” Deeta didn’t want to disappoint, choosing to fly back on cue. Before she could make it to her guides, Iona called out, not wishing for her to leave just yet. “Wait, I almost forgot! I have something for you!” Deeta spun around, eagerly anticipating. A round object the size of a marble was thrown in her direction, her hand catching hold, firmly around the surface. Her hand opened slowly, revealing what appeared to be tiny storm clouds within the marble, but unlike Iona’s white energy, there were flashes of blue energy. “What is this? And why are the streaks blue instead of white?” Curious eyes never left the marble in the palm of her hand. “Not all lightning is white. Some are blue. Just depends on the weather.” This was simply what Iona called a little lightning in a marble. “And don’t worry, you can keep it. Call it a welcoming gift from me to you. Just be sure to come back and visit me.” “Thanks!” Deeta waved Iona off as both exchanged goodbyes.[/hider]