Giovanni took his leave from the Kido corps barracks swiftly. several people watched him go but none said anything to him, or to stop him. smart people. He quickly returned to the seireitei with no real destination in mind. He was pretty sure he would end up back at the squad 1 barracks as he usually did. But in the mean time he had to get readjusted to the light. The kido corps HQ was rather dim, he hadnt really noticed because of all the damn darkness he was in in that god forsaken cave. But out here it was super bright and on top of that it felt like his spiritual senses were sharper. His distance was the same but everything was....clearer in a way, or sharper. the cave might have heightened his awarenes and potentially his control but it did little in the way of experience.. unless somehow he winds up in another dark tunnel... but god help who ever was responsible. In other news, he was right, he wasnt even paying any attention to where he was going as he walked and sure enough winded up in the squad 1 barracks yet again. he should probably see about getting a room here, make his life easier. perhaps he would bother the captain again, give him his Kido corps plans. maybe that way the head captain would see he had an aptitude for managment. That sounds like something that would be important. When he got to the door he noticed another shinigami was already there waiting.