[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oq0j2AI.png[/img][/center] [youtube]m5F0Lq03spM[/youtube] [b]Inadi:[/b]“Hard to believe you see something you recognize in a place like this. Here I thought I would never get comfortable during my time in this place.” [b]Riley:[/b]"This isn't so bad! Lesley, get your butt here! Nodding, he couldn't exactly relate to how Inadi was feeling at that moment because everything here was so strange and way out of the ordinary that it would be a true surprise to him if he could actually find a personal connection with Nowhere and its quirky entirety. Grinning at the frame-faced boy, one of the eager [i]Aves[/i] swooped its head down and through his legs, craning it back up in a swift motion as Inadi came sliding back down onto its back. A look of surprise and soon pleasure ran across his expression with the unexpected mounting. Lucky him. He didn't have to go through the trouble of getting up on the thing since his carrier decided to do it for him. Seeing Riley and her Chocobo go zooming out of the stable, he piped up when he heard her call his name and off he went with his ride, padding on after her. From a distance, he was able to make out her figure on the ground, staring dreamily into the vast array of clouds in the clear blue sky. Ace and Inadi went clopping off from his left and right, but he didn't mind. For now, all he needed to focus on was controlling his mount and remaining balanced atop its back. It felt somewhat unstable and he had only ever rode a horse once and it wasn't even a real one. A carousel... if that counts. Clutching the reigns securely, he loved and enjoyed the ride, the breeze flinging his pink hair behind him and whipping the unseen trail from which he came like a cape as he continued onward toward the crowding riders. A challenge was going down as the humans made taunting comments at one another. To the oak tree it was. The finish line. Riley, Inadi, Ace and himself. One versus three other individuals, this was going to be one heck of a race. Wrapping an arm around his bird's neck, he groped mindlessly a bit before finally finding clutch of the tag on which the Chocobo's name was written. Reading the name engraved onto the dog tag was a little trouble some because of the bobbing movements of the bird, but when he managed to make out the word 'Sergeant'. Lesley puffed out some air from his nostrils, remembering how the Chocobo had been while he was clawing himself onto it. No wonder. The title perfectly befitting the way it just stood there like a monotonous sculpture while a human struggled to get on him. "Mkay 'Serge'", he was pleased to have drawn out an alias for his companion so quickly, [b]"Three, two, ONE!"[/b] "TO THE OAK TREE!" He jabbed a commanding finger at the determined target site and clenched the reigns to brace himself for take off... but it never came. The others had already blasted on ahead, leaving him licking up the upturned grass far back at the starting line at which Serge stood unmoving. "Aw man! Let's go buddy" he encouraged the glaring bird with a 'pretty-please' tone of voice. When the Chocobo refused to respond, its eyes narrowed looking out into the jiggling butts of his winning friends, Lesley pouted and tapped Serge's sides whiningly, "Come on you big KFC! Lookit! Were loosin' cuz of you" he bounced up and down on his ride's back, it's giant chicken feet still planted in place. Lesley racked his past to try and remember what the heck Inadi said earlier to get Serge to move. 'Hm.. was it Grayish Greens? No. Gay-fish Greens?" he chomped down on his bottom lip. "Oh yeah. Gayshul GREENS!" he thought aloud. "If you get me to that tree then I'll give you some of em'" he tempted the Chocobo. The creature seemed to take the offering well as it sprinted after them, nearing Ace. Lesley shrieked in joy and amusement, waving an arm in the air as the crisp wind splashed wildly over him. Opening his eyes, he was shocked to see Victoria, the female guide, tearing ahead past him with Avian following closely behind. He smirked and charged on. [img]http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/a/image/1339/97/1339972599195.gif[/img]