[quote=Kurisa] Ashido continued to heal Kaizo and watch the women and when she spoke he nodded "Yes it seems he is making an improvement...aslong as nothing goes wrong he should be okay..." Ashido continued his healing when he noticed Kaizo's right hand twitch a little "Hmm?...seems he can hear you somehow...keep talking to him, try bring him back...he clearly recognizes your voice." Ashido had only been in a few situations like this but he knew now what helps people and what doesn't. Voices of someone they know can help...a lot more than people think [/quote] [u]Rio Okotaru Darishimo[/u] Rio's eyes widened at the news as her gaze shifted between the guy and Kaizo. She stepped closer, tears still slipping down her cheeks but silently. Walking to the edge of the bed, Rio fell to her knees. [b]"K-Kaizo, come back to me, please... You can do this, you're strong enough to do anything!... I believe in you Kaizo, you can get through this..."[/b] Her hands gripped the sheets close to Kaizo's shoulder. [b]"I'm sorry for... what I did... but come on, come back.... You're time here will not finish now... Especially not while I'm here..."[/b] She couldn't help the quiet sobs that made their way out of her mouth... She just wanted Kaizo to be Okay again.