Gaius felt a wave of contempt for the Brujah wash over him as soon as the man kicked down the table and walk over. What had that table done to him? Was he so drowned in his own masculinity that he has an insatiable thirst for breaking things? Gaius held back a sigh when he heard the man announce that he would join the two of them. He would make sure to hold in any unpleasantries for until he was safely out of range from the giant man's ears. "But I'm not passing on a chance to see if the stories of Assamite combat skills are true." The man said. He smiled, and Gaius smiled back. No point in being rude after all. Something told him that the Brujah would not have any trouble breaking a small boy in half with the flick of his wrist. "Hope you can keep up." Gauis replied sarcastically. He was not in any great rush to get to know the others, as Reza had advised, but figured that he would need to if he wanted to advance at all. He doubted that he would be able to be of any use in combat, so he would need all the help he could get in that category. The Brujah, and Reza with his not-too-well-hidden sword could be of use. He would prove himself later, in his own way. He turned back to Reza. "If you think we should head to the diner, then let's go now. No point in burning any more time here. Gaius turned and began heading for the diner on his own. He didn't bother checking if any one was following, but he hoped that they were. Despite his false confidence, the unknown night time creatures lurking outside still frightened him. He had looked over a map of the city before, and remembered where the diner was. If they found nothing of interest there, he planned to go back to his haven and ask Francis for any information he may have. If he still had nothing to go on, Gaius would spend the day reading up on any urban legends within in his vast collection of books. Hell, he would probably end up doing that regardless.