[quote=Zane620] Despite what she thought was going to happen with the kiss she was doing, somehow didn't work out how she planned, hell one might say he loved it as he mover her body more close to his and entwined her fingers with his. So when he said how long he had been waiting for this and that she didn't disappoint, she blushed and mumbled a bit. "Pervert....Guess I can't lie and said I didn't want this..." Chie then looked up at his yes and with her right hand grabbed his his left hand and smirked. "Soo, are you trying to surpress your urge to touch something of mine, or are you trying to act like a good little boy~." Chie said. [/quote] [u]Fumio Hari Kouineji[/u] Fumio watched Chie take control, listening to her speak. [b]"[i]Oh, are my urges that obvious?~ It's ridiculously hard to resist you so you can't blame me~[/i]"[/b] He chuckled, feeling her hand grab his. [b]"[i]How would you feel if we kicked things up a notch?~[/i]"[/b] He asked in a sultry tone before letting her go and dragging her to his bed by the hand she was holding onto. [b]"Don't start suggesting anything~ I may be taking you to my bed but that's only to get comfortable~ I'm not planning on fucking you~"[/b] He chuckled again, making sure Chie didn't think he was planning to get into her pants. He wasn't [i]that[/i] type of person, he'd wait until she wanted it~