[center] [img=http://oi58.tinypic.com/96ffuq.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Mary Oswald [b]Alias:[/b] 'Bloody Mary' [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Personality:[/b] Mary is, to put it simply, a cyanide pill coated in honey. A condescending tone is always laid over her voice. She is a bit of a sadist, and prefers to end her missions with a large trail of blood. She much prefers to have other people do the heavy lifting, allowing her to do her thing- namely intimidation. She is rather fond of torture, and loves having 'alone time' with her victims. [b]Skills:[/b] She is skilled at intimidating others, thanks to the gear that she keeps on her. She also is skilled at knife-play. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Her alcoholism is a rather prominent one. Another thing worth noting is her lack of self-control. She also has a fear of spiders, and a big fear, at that. [b]Gear:[/b] At any time, she carries with her a few canisters of hallucinogenic gases, enticing fear in her adversaries. The gas greatly distorts their vision, as well as increasing paranoia. She also carries a large variety of knives on her, many laced with a liquid form of her hallucinogens. [b]Bio:[/b] Born into a family of alcoholics, Mary was no stranger to violence as a child. However, she had no cliche origin story. Her dad didn't abuse her, she wasn't constantly locked in a room. Life was... normal. Sure, having alcoholic parents threw a bit of a wrench into the normality, but it wasn't anything drastic. As life progressed, she adopted her parents habits at a bit of an early age, and became rather prone to fits of drunken rage and violence. When her money began to run thin, she resorted to less savory methods of gaining funds, namely mugging. With this life, on the street came a certain realization of how bad things were. During her life of crime, she became notorious under the name of 'Bloody Mary', probably due to the fact that her victims are left as bloody corpses, eyes gouged out. Many began to believe that she wasn't just a petty thief, that she was more- a phantom, a ghost in the night. Puriel took note of her prowess in getting done what needed to be done, albeit by unorthodox methods. So, upon making a few offers of cash, as well as a few blackmail threats, Puriel enlisted Mary, after forcing her to swear to not use too much excessive force in her pursuits of those who she was informed to target. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]XwLLH9EZiqc[/youtube] [/center] This really isn't my best work... but, hey. It's here.