[b]Hank McCoy[/b] Hank had not been able to keep up with feraliss or Tyrian when they took off flying. He had reached their home after the battle with Grundy and had not been able to keep up with dragon-Feraliss when she took off flying toward the city. He did his best to follow, using his super-human acrobatics and balance to travel along the rooftops and street lights while trying to keep pace. He took a chance when he cut toward the city, in the hopes of cutting off Feraliss and stopping her. When she passed by a particularly tall building Hank was there, on the roof, and leaped off, landing with a thud on Feraliss' back, grabbing hold of a bone spike that poked through her skin and he began climbing toward her head. as he climbed his fur whipped in the strong wind, his mane making it particularly difficult to see as it covered his face. It seemed that Hank had not been the only one with this idea when he saw a costumed hero climbing up the dragon's back. Even though the hero had a head start and Hank was being pummeled by his own fur he caught up to the hero quickly and was almost thrown off as she started trying to grab the hero. She suddenly stopped though, Hank didn't know why but he was thankful, he made his way closer to her head just as she took off speeding again and Hank growled and strained as he pulled himself closer. "Calm down!" He yelled through the wind, hoping she would be able to hear him, his voice almost a lion's roar as he strained his lungs.