[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] The feeling of going this fast with the wind sailing past his hair, his glasses barely staying on him, Inadi felt like he was living out a wonderful dream. Here he was, a few hours ago, fighting a giant slime that had tried to devour him and the others he had come to know here in Nowhere. Now he was riding a Chocobo. This was something he had been dreaming about since he was a child. And the fact that he was racing made it feel all the more exhilarating. He was neck and neck with the others for a good part of the race, and watched as others began picking up speed. It was all the Chocobo's though, most were still sitting upright in their saddles and it was affecting their speed. Inadi had seen a horse race or two in his time and knew that jockeys kept themselves close to the horse that way there wouldn't be that much wind sheer to have to deal with. Smiling to himself he leaned in close to Pini and began speaking to him, raising his voice to overcome the loud sounds of the talons underneath stomping into the ground. “Kick it into the next gear there Pini! We got these guys no problem at all,” Inadi said as he gave a quick snap of the reigns, making the great bird kweh loudly in response. The bird began picking up speed, and started catching up with some of the other Chocobos. That was when Inadi lowered his body into the saddle and seemingly sank into the feathers of Pini himself. Keeping his head slightly to the left, he was able to keep an eye on where the other racers where and moved the reigns as best he could to avoid the Chocbos around them. Once he began passing by Ace and Lesley, he knew that he had to just find a way to get past Riley. That was when Lesley suddenly picked up speed and started catching up. He wasn't sure how, but the bird seemed to be racing with a purpose now. Maybe Lesley had said something to his mount or something. Either was this was a problem. Lesley was gaining on him, Ace was keeping it close and Riley seemed to be just a second or so ahead of him. He turned back to Pini and began snapping the reigns again. He wanted to gain some more speed, but didn't know what the birds ceiling was. The sound of the talons bashing the ground beneath them was getting louder and the tree seemed to just seven or eight lengths away from them now. “Come on Pini! Now is the time to get that last big burst. These other Chocobos have nothing on you! Work those legs and make the feathers fly!” Inadi yelled as Pini let out another loud call and began lowering his head as well. Now both looked almost horizontal with the ground and continued to pick up speed. It was going to be a photo finish. Hopefully somebody was going to be at the tree to crown a champion.