Now, Sun considered himself a peaceful. However, somethings he would not stand, same as any man. Threatening him, that was fine. Ordering him to do something? Fine? Threatening his crab, as in this case? He could only put this in one way. [i] Ah HELL NAW. [/i] "You have ten seconds to put that gun down before I break it across your face " Sun said, tilting his head and glaring at Tiberius. Who the hell did this guy think he was? You don't just aim a gun at a person, and not at them and their pet, crab or not! "Why don't you be more like him! He isn't aiming at anybody!" Sun asked, pointing to Gren. "Hey, mate, keep me out of this." Gren said, holding up a hand in protect. "I'll admit, aiming a gun at you is unpleasant business, and a...bit dodgy. But both of you need to calm down, bloody hell. Wait until he shoots, THEN tell him to sod off." Alright, the funny sounding man had a point. Atleast, Sun thinks he did. What does sod off even mean. "Alright, we can do this...peacefully." Sun said, raising up his hands. "Why do you not like my crab. Please do not shoot the crab, or me. Have you ever been shoot? Not nice! Think about what if i shot you. Would not be nice!"