Lonan stood outside the hidden wall that slid away to reveal the Slytherin Dungeon. "Come on, it isn't like I'm asking for your first born." The male Prefect, an officious prick whose name was Tieran, or some bullshit like that was not open to the idea of being bribed away so Lonan could throw a party. Sheila, Zelda's older, less hot sister, was practically behind the idea before Lonan was even halfway through his opening sentence. Now he had to get whats-his-dick to fuck off for a little bit. "I have a duty as Prefect to keep this exact sort of scandalous behavior from happening!" he insisted. "Dude, I--did you really just use the word 'scandalous'?--anyway, dude, come on. One night. I don't even need the whole night. Give me...five hours." "What if Professor Slughorn decides to come inspect the common room?" "Dude, there's so much other shit going on tonight that he was way better things to do than to come poking around the Common Room. Besides, you saw him at the feast. He's drunk. All he's going to get done tonight is telling himself how great he is before he passes out." There was a pause. "What will it take to bribe you?" "I want to take Sheila to the Yule Ball. If you can promise me that, I'll think about it. And a bottle of Fireball" "Done," Lonan lied. He didn't bring any Fireball with him. Mostly rum and wine, plus the longest conversation he had ever had with Sheila was when she had lectured him about staying away from Zelda, which Lonan had promptly ignored. He probably didn't have too much clout with her, but that was irrelevant now. He was focused on getting as drunk as possible. There was always a chance that someone would bust it, but it would be a stroke of borderline supernatural bad luck if Lonan got pinned for it. He liked his odds. Prefect boy turned and began to walk away and Lonan knew that he had won. He whispered the password (which was Salazar, and made Lonan think the passwords got simpler every single year) and emerged into the soft green light of the common room, all eyes fixed on him. "I did it!" he announced as he ran to the male dormitory, up the stairs and into the dormitory room and opened his second trunk. It was packed with clothes, but Lonan had found room for several bottles of rum and a few bottles of wine. He picked up what he could with his hands and tucked the rest into the various pockets and folds of his robes, and was nearly mobbed when he got back into the common room and the party started immediately. The bottles he had brought disappeared almost as soon as he was back down the steps. He saved himself a bottle of red currant rum and opened it and started drinking immediately, enjoying the burn as it dropped into his stomach. He took a long drink and when he tipped it back, saw he had drank the bottle all the way to the label without even realizing it. He went and sat down on one of the leather couches before the booze kicked in too hard. Zelda plopped down next to him. "So what did you bring me?" "There's probably a bottle floating around you could take a few swigs from," Lonan said as he took another sip from his. He had barely finished when Zelda snatched it from him. "Whoa, chill, chill." he said as she took an even bigger drink than he had grabbed it back, being careful to not spill any. She was not happy about that. "You know, it's a shame that no one brought a bottle of Bungbarrel for me," she said as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "A crying shame," Lonan admitted as he pulled the last bottle out of his robes, a bottle of Bungbarrel, and opened it and took a long drink before she could snag it from him. "You're the best." "I know," Lonan said as he put his feet up on the table in front of him and watched the party in front of him slowly wind into absolute chaos.