[img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/099/1/e/modern_ninja_concept_by_suadcaptain-d60ztvr.jpg] Name: Hattori Hanzō Alias: Wounded Wing Age: 26 Personality: Past traumatic experiences since childhood have left Hattori quiet and introspective often choosing to voice his opinion to himself instead of others. While meaning he is poor at communicating with other people he is extremely in tune and honest with himself. His childhood has left him very well disciplined and aware of his own manners, he can force his inner-will and mental endurance to their limits. While poor at communicating, Hattori can hold a conversation as far as he was taught to by his father, the extent of that usually means ceasing to speak after what he wanted has been achieved. Morally, he is not excessive in violence nor is he against it, he chooses only the means which are the most efficient towards his objective. He has PTSD towards the incident where he lost his sight and voice and reacts negatively mostly towards eye wounds causing him seize up and get sick. Appearance: When first looking at Hattori, the scars that cross each over each of his eyes attract attention, an experienced swordsman can tell that the scars were inflicted by an expert with a blade. Just like the cut across his throat, they are all from the same blade, clean, precise, and accurate, truly the work of a master. [hider=Mask] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/036/a/e/samurai___demon_ninja_mask___black_and_gold_by_regis_and-d756swq.jpg] [/hider] Enhancements: Cybernetic Eyes- These appear to be normal eyes but in reality are highly intricate pieces of technology, by connecting with the brain and powering themselves with the energy ingested by food, they operate just like a regular pair eyes, the difference is his sight. The eyes have a UI built in to them that connects with a chip implanted in the brain to provide the features it has. The eyes can target and give information about items being looked at by the user. They can zoom up to the distance of a normal pair of binoculars. They provide Night-Vision ,Sonar, and Thermal. Cybernetic Vocal-Chords- If Hattori opens his mouth wide and you look at the back of his throat, you can catch a glimpse of the implants. The implants are unique as they allow him to imitate voices he hears and speak them near-perfectly in accordance to Hattori's memory. Hattori's usual voice is just a recreation of his original voice in accordance to his memory, he only has a faint memory of his old voice so the voice has a kind of electronic vibration with every word he speaks. Skills: Trained as an assassin, Hattori is well versed in the ways of martial combat and just as skilled in stealth and subterfuge, as well as acrobatics. He is a master of a multitude of martial arts and should he had been born in the older days of Japan, he would be close to the title of Kensei, or Sword Saint. He claims perfection in every form of weapon except for firearms, it is rumored he does not know how they work and it is most definitely true, he is much better suited to using them as thrown projectiles rather than their original use. Well-versed in a multitude of languages is a result of his interest in language. With his skills and implants, Hattori is most suited for combat at night or remote areas. Gear/Equipment/Weapons: 2 Long Ninja Swords "Koga" and "Iga"- Made from extremely durable alloy, these blades are sharp enough through nearly all weaker metals in the hands of a capable user. Smoke Bombs- Homemade capsules, they create a large smoke screen for quick escapes. He has bombs laced with chili powder and crushed glass in case the smoke bombs don't shut the enemy's eyes well enough. Throwing Knives and Shuriken- Every ninja needs these. lol. Blow Gun- The closest thing to a firearm he can get. Shoots tranquilizer darts and also shoots poison darts. Bio: Born to a prestigious and powerful Japanese household, Hanzō grew up strictly taught manners and discipline by his father was a large up and coming businessman. Tension between Hanzō's father and mother grew thick as Hanzo's father begin getting heavily influenced by his own money. His father was on every drug imaginable day and night and was constantly using cocaine to keep him alert and keen for his job. One night an argument between his mother and father went sour as his mother had demanded a divorce and wanted full custody of Hattori and his little sister. Angry and upset and fueled by cocaine, Hattori's father grabbed him and put him in the car and they drove off together. Hattori was only 7 years old at the time. Unwilling to take responsibility for the child and equally unwilling to give the kid back to his mother who wanted to divorce him after his high wore out, he dropped the kid off at the doorstep of a live-in dojo deep in the mountains, stuffed a wad of bills in his pocket and left. Years later Hattori adopted the last name Hanzō in honor of the famous historical figure and became a powerful martial artist. A misfortunate run-in with,who Hattori believed to be a rare combat fanatic who had a deep obsession with Japanese sword play, led him to lose two of his senses. He had met the man when he came up to Hattori's cottage in the mountains. Without warning the assaulter attacked Hattori with a sword, the man was apparently crazy but deadly skilled with a real blade, with his throat cut and eyes sliced, Hattori managed to slay his assailant by bringing his elbow into the swordsman's windpipe, effectively crushing it and eventually killing the man. Strangely on the man's person was a satchel with the cybernetic implants carefully packaged. Before he knew it Hattori collapsed as he felt the presence of another person in the room. When he woke up again in his bed he could see and speak again. Hearing of a skilled martial artist who lived in the mountains of Japan, Puriel recruited Hattori into the organization. Hattori joined in hopes of learning who had surgically implanted his implants. He was picked up into the group's Jumbo Jet in Tokyo. Theme Song: [youtube]leYovY-mBKo[/youtube] Other: Hattori is excessively incompetent with electronics, like an old man, he struggles to figure out the inner workings of a cell phone. He can work USB drives and other gadgets but anything involving more than that of any kind you can expect him to do more harm than good.