The handful of heroes fought hard in the War Room. The only thing that was painfully obvious was the fact none of them were used to working as a team. A failed attempt at a tag team by Plastic Man and Apollo left the young demigod hurt and on the sidelines. Not just from the attack of the Doomsday holo-droid, but the collateral damage adding extra risks to the situation that proved nearly crippling on Apollo's part. Patriot went in for an energy attack or two but came up short as he was charging up and attacking just slow enough for the droid to predict his strikes. After Shock got the civilian holo-droids to a designated safe place where Apollo had also been taken to by one of the Dittos, the two jumped back into the fray. "Plas, take his legs!" shouted Shock as she gave out a few bolts of electrical energy and used small pieces of her pipe/staff weapon to distract the behemoth. The stretchable hero wrapped around the bottom of the legs like red rubbery shoelaces and Patriot dropped his energy strikes in favor of the strength he'd been given by Cadmus. After getting smacked into a building, Patriot looked up to see the newest host of Fate blasting the Kryptonian killing machine while the small pieces of metal and debris under the electro-magnetic grip of Shock continued to distract Doomsday. Ditto2 gave Ditto1 a lift into the air like going over a wall and one piece of debris later thrown by Ditto3 and caught by Ditto1 saw the headstrike the young heroes were looking for. The holo-droid fell and its holo-shell faded leaving the giant droid behind. The surroundings faded shortly after and Apollo was already being looked after by a medical droid in the far side of the War Room. "I don't think I could've gone on much longer. What did that take us, almost two hours?" the original Ditto asked bringing in his other duplicates into his whole self as the group made way toward the exit. [b]One elevator ride up to the main floor of the HQ...[/b] Ditto and a few of the others noticed Canary was in the building and had heard the Engineer mentioning the young heroes getting something like a den mother and advisor earlier in the week. She was also supposed to be bringing in another new recruit into this group of misfits. "Somebody smell a wet dog somewhere?" Ditto asked rather loudly as if addressing everyone within ear shot. ~KL~