Brandy watched as the humans left for the stables through the doors. He then looked back down to where Song was propped against the pillar looking haggard, sighing when he realized he himself most likely looked no better. The last of the wounded had been carried in and taken care of for now, and the black-haired rabbit was starting to feel his eyelids droop. “I’m sure we can go take a break now.” He gave the item hunter a nudge with his foot gently. “Let’s go check on Martini and the children, shall we? I think she was planning on letting the kids take a nap about now.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][b]Outside the Castle[/b][/u] Behind the oak tree, a two heads poked out to assess the impromptu chocobo race’s situation. “Do you think they’re close enough yet, Linna?” “[i]Chirp chirp![/i]” “Yes, I agree, a little closer…” Zephy peered at the rapidly approaching figures with a pout, absentmindedly patting her own mount beside her. She wasn’t very happy to miss out on such a fun looking race, but Tobi had sent her ahead to make sure there were no beasties lurking around that might pose a danger to the humans despite Avi and Viccy being with them. Really, if the humans were to die in the midst of a carefree chocobo race she was rather hesitant to imagine how they’d ultimately fare against the dragons. But orders were orders, and she was determined to carry it out to the best of her abilities. She had even found a nice vine along the way to serve as a finish line! With a glance to each two blurs darted out from behind the tree, standing to the side with the vine stretched between them. “Go Avi! Go Viccy! And the humans too! Over here!” She cheered, waving her free hand frantically to draw their attention to the slightly shifted finished line. On the other side of the vine was a [url=]steel-blue furred rabbit[/url], only this particular one had a an impressive pair of copper antlers perched in its head. The pony sized Jackalope bounced up and down, chirps muffled by the vine in her mouth as Zephy tried to discern who was in the lead. Impressively enough the chocobos were running almost head to head, making it hard to see exactly who was currently in first place. “C’mon, slowpokes! You’re almost theeere!”