Name: Curtis Grey (Born Curtis Marcus) Field Name: Garou Age: 23 (Born August 29th, 1990) Position (role on team): Heavy Hitter (on the front lines, especially when shifted) Time served on team: 2 years Appearance: [hider=Human][img=][/hider] [hider=Skinwaker][img=][/hider] Role: Through training his body, and being conditioned during his time shifted, Curtis has become quite adept with fighting with his body. He can use weapons but prefers to use his bare hands. He will always be the first into a fight, and usually the last one to leave. Race: Skinwalker Special Abilities or Expertise: Curtis is physically intimidating, and has the strength to back it up. Through years of training and being conditioned in his wolfman form he has pushed his physique to the upmost of humanly possible. Curtis has the ability to control when he shifts into the form of a nine foot tall bipedal wolfman. While in this form he is granted vastly improved strength, and is a bit more agile. Nationality: American, but of Scottish decent Biography: [hider=WALL OF TEXT]Curtis was born a completely normal boy, happy and healthy. In his small town in Northern Tennessee everything seemed tranquil and perfect. That is until the stranger blew into town. Curtis was only seven years old, but it is scarred into his brain. The man rolled into town seemingly out of nowhere, he was strolled into the bar like one of the regulars and began to drink. Curtis' father was at that day (much like any other day) and soon the stranger struck up a conversation. The stranger began to tell Curtis' father about a way to get riches beyond his wildest dreams, and happiness that would transcend a lifetime. Curtis' father had just lost his job at the local coal mine, so he ate it all up. That night he stumbled home and erected a small shrine in the woods behind his house, somewhere in the town the stranger smiled to himself. The stranger continued to spread his word to other members of the community and soon the entire town was enthralled by the stranger. Curtis had no idea what to think. Everyone was talking about this man, and how he promised the town the world. Curtis didn't understand, how could a single man promise so much? However one night everything became perfectly clear. Curtis was asleep in his bed, when his father roused him from his sleep. "Buddy, it’s time for a big surprise, you have to come to me." Curtis took his father's hand, and let his father lead him into the woods. The trip into the forest was difficult at best. Clouds concealed the moon and stars; however his father seemed to know exactly where to go. Soon Curtis heard what sounded like drums, and the forest smelled like someone had just extinguished a campfire. Curtis was led over a hill and before him what seemed like the entire town was gathered in the woods. In the clearing people were gathered around fires, chanting in some sort of gibberish that Curtis couldn't understand. Strange symbols were carved onto trees all over the clearing, and in the center of it all was the stranger standing on a crudely fashioned pedestal. However it wasn't the same man that Curtis had seen walking the streets of town, the man that Curtis' father had invited over for dinner numerous times. This man had horns protruding from his forehead, right above the eyebrows, and a smile that literally stretched from ear to ear. Curtis' father led him to the far side of the clearing, and Curtis could feel the stranger staring at him the entire way. "You are going to be a hero buddy, you are going to save the town." said Curtis' father. He didn't understand what he meant, but that's when he saw it. At the very end of the clearing was an altar, covered in more of the strange glyphs. A thick red liquid ran down the front of the altar, and pooled onto the ground. Curtis had secretly watching his father's action movies for years. He knew blood when he saw it. That's when everything clicked into place. The stranger was no man. He was a monster, and he was going to be killed in the name of this thing. Curtis began to scream, and try to resist, but his father was far stronger than him. His father hoisted him up and strapped him to the alter by thick leather straps at reeked of blood (among other things). His father stepped back from the altar and dropped to his knees, and began to join the rest of the town in the bizarre chanting. The stranger walked up to Curtis and smiled, a forked tongue flicked out from between his teeth. He raised a hand and grabbed Curtis’ face. “A young one, perfect simply perfect” The stranger hissed. Curtis continued to scream, but it was cut short, the stranger had moved his hand to cover Curtis’ mouth. Curtis felt a sharp pain from his lower chest, looking down he was met with the sight of the stranger’s hand being shoved into his stomach. Curtis was in the worst pain of his entire life, this was surely the end, his life snuffed out before it even had the chance to truly begin. Suddenly a great furry hand hit the stranger in the side of the head and sent him sprawling across the ground. Standing was before Curtis was a large bipedal…well….wolfman. The creature lowered its gaze to Curtis’ stomach, smelling the wound there. In one smooth motion he cut Curtis down from the altar and held Curtis against his chest, much like how a father would carry a baby. He quickly darted deeper into the woods, moving through the underbrush with inhuman grace. “YOU CAN’T HIDE FOREVER BOY! I WILL FIND YOU!” Curtis heard the stranger shout before losing consciousness. Curtis awoke in a sleeping bag in a tent. He sat up and looked around him; however it just seemed like a normal camping tent. Curtis timidly poked his head outside of the tent. An older man was stirring what appeared to be stew in a kettle suspended over a fire. "Glad to see you are awake, here eat this." The man said to him as he handed him a bowl of the stew. Hunger taking over rationality, Curtis took the bowl and began to eat the stew with gusto. "Take it easy kid, there is plenty more if you want it" the man chuckled; "now it seems that I have some explaining to do. My name is Alex Grey, and I have given you a gift." Curtis stopped eating and looked at the man. Longer brown hair framed his face and he kept his beard neat and trimmed. “The man...err….thing that hurt you. I have been trying to find him for a while now, almost had him too, but then I saw you. He got you pretty good, you would have died if I hadn’t come along. I managed to get you patched up, but it took a bit more than gauze and stiches.” Curtis lifted his shirt to look where that thing had reached inside him. Where just last night there was a large open wound there was little more than a scar. That’s when he noticed his forearm. It appeared like a large animal had bit him. “Your town isn’t the first, he has been doing this for a while,” Alex continued, “He finds towns that are town on their luck, promises them the world. Then he warps their minds and eventually they give their lives to him. Three years ago he came to a town my sister lived in. She gave her son to him.” Alex looks down at the ground, tears welling up in his eyes, “I loved my nephew so much. He was younger than you; hadn’t even started school yet. I have been tracking the bastard ever since. Last night I saw he was distracted by someone on the altar and I went in to end him. Then I saw you.” Alex raises his eyes to meet Curtis’ gaze, “I refused to let him rob another boy of his life, but your life will be far from that of a normal boy now. You are a Skinwalker, a blend of beast and man. I will teach you everything I know about it, if you let me.” Curtis thought back to his father. They man had never really been there to start with, preferring the company of a bottle than of his son. The cherry on top of the bad dad sundae would be attempting to sacrifice his son to a monster. Maybe Alex could be the father that Curtis always wanted, needed. For the first time in a long while, a smile spread across Curtis’ face. “When do we start?” The next fourteen year of Curtis' life were fantastic. Alex proved to be more of a father then his real dad ever was, and in time he even took Alex's last name. Alex taught Curtis all about the Wolf, how to take the form of the beast, how to move through the forest as if you were part of it, how to hunt. Alex and Curtis were inseparable, that is until Alex got sick. Curtis was 21 when Alex finally passed; he died peacefully in his sleep. Curtis was hurt deeply by this, but was able to find a small bit of solace. When Alex was alive he spoke about knowing people in an organization known as the D.I.S. Alex had contacted them multiple times while on his search for the stranger. Curtis managed to arrange contact with the Nashville branch of the D.I.S. Curtis told them of his story from being injured by the stranger right up to Alex passing. After a few hours of deliberation they allowed him a chance on a small team that operated on a local level. For the next two years Curtis cleaned small supernatural threats in Nashville, usually convincing some idiot that summoning a demon would cause far more harm than good, though he did manage to rip a couple Vamps a new one. However recently the higher ups have decided to transfer him to L.A. Curtis has no idea what could have caused him to be transferred, but he knows it probably will not be good.[/hider] Personality: Curtis is very loud and outspoken individual, and isn't afraid of (and often enjoys) expressing his opinion. His years of training has left him at the peak of his physical condition, but deep down inside he is actually very sweet and gentle. Curtis is fiercely loyal to people he considers friends, and would give his life in an instant for people that he truly loves. Despite having The Wolf inside of him Curtis tends to fall into a Beta position in groups rather than an alpha one. He would prove himself a loyal follower than a innovative leader. However this doesn't mean he will blindly follow someone. They must prove to be a worthy individual in his eyes, and even then he isn't afraid to point out when his leader has a dumb idea. Campus Cover: College Student Trivia: Curtis is a very large and physically impressive man, standing at a little over six and a half feet tall. However all of those years of seclusion with Alex in the woods has left him awkward towards women, especially ones he finds attractive.