Sadie's mother watched as her husband attempted to roast Bellatrix before she simply disappeared. Breathing heavily he made his way back to his wife, "Sadie your mother and i must travel to the ministry of magic immediately to alert them of Bellatrix still being alive. Your are to go into the Leaky Cauldron and have a glass of milk before using the Floo to get to the train that clear young lady?" Sadie nodded slowly, "But daddy...what are you going to do about her..." Sadie's mother shushed her, "Whatever we can my darling...whatever we can." The two wizards nodded to Sadie as Her father used his own fire to use the Floo network. Sadie walked into the Leaky Cauldron and ordered a glass of milk, the bartender looked at her, "Say don't I know you?" Said sighed, "You probably know my parents...The great searing dragons..." She said with no enthusiasm. Sadie turned to the others in the bar, "Was anyone else out there? Did anyone else see what happened?"