[quote=Axel] "The Kido used in my turn had yet to disperse before you entered, therefor it was still my spotlight at the time of your intervention. And also, yes it is but you can't just deplete all of your Reiatsu and hope to defend yourself in case of an emergency. I thought you would know that most of all seeing how you were the one to answer the captain's question correctly." Kirishin noted while readjusting his glasses. The captain spoke shortly after about having to team up with this non conservative which caused him to turn to the Shinigami with an uncomfortable look on his face. "Looks like we have to work together even though I deem me and you incompatible with one another currently. I guess I'll go ahead with the first move and you find something to stack on to it. Or since we're supposed to be acting as a team and all, would you prefer to charge in first? You do look pretty intent on trying to impress the captain after all so what say you?" Kiri asked the boy all the while retaining his stoic facial expression. [/quote] "Well I am sorry that I seem to have offended you in some way" Emilo looked at Kiri with a look that showed that he actually felt bad about what he had done. However Emilo would not agree with firing weak little kidos at the captain, yes in the way of saving energy it was smart, but the captain would easily deflect/throw them back or just destroy them. "Well I would not be so pessimistic, but remember what the captain said now. Aim to kill him" Searching his head Emilo tried to find a way they work together. "How about on of us ties him down and the other goes for some damage ? It might be easier"