[quote=AbigailTenshi] Rio's eyes widened at the news as her gaze shifted between the guy and Kaizo. She stepped closer, tears still slipping down her cheeks but silently. Walking to the edge of the bed, Rio fell to her knees. Her hands gripped the sheets close to Kaizo's shoulder. She couldn't help the quiet sobs that made their way out of her mouth... She just wanted Kaizo to be Okay again. [/quote] Ashido watched the woman try call Kaizo to come back to her, for him to be okay. He didn't know the relationship between the two but regardless it seemed her voice was working as Kaizo's right arm moved so that he could place his hand on the left side of Rio's face and wipe the tears off her cheek, seeing this made Ashido nod then Kaizo spoke weakly as he slowly turned his head and opened his eyes so he could see Rio "Save the crying for when I'm dead..." Kaizo gave a weak smile followed by an equally weak chuckle before his hand slipped off Rio's face, with his eyes then closing. "[b]It seems he is still quite worn out...but he is stable now. I will have to bandage up his wounds and likely keep him here awhile...he's lucky to survive...especially after getting a wound like that to his chest. Guess he still has he wants to fight for[/b]" Ashido then stopped the healing as anymore would be useless as the rest of the wounds had to heal by themselves. "[b]I'll send some people in to bandage him up...you may stay here with him for awhile if you want, if not...that's fine...either way he will need a lot of rest...[/b]" Ashido then left the room as nurses entered a few minutes after to begin bandaging up Kaizo