[quote=CodeMana] "Well I am sorry that I seem to have offended you in some way" Emilo looked at Kiri with a look that showed that he actually felt bad about what he had done. However Emilo would not agree with firing weak little kidos at the captain, yes in the way of saving energy it was smart, but the captain would easily deflect/throw them back or just destroy them. "Well I would not be so pessimistic, but remember what the captain said now. Aim to kill him" Searching his head Emilo tried to find a way they work together. "How about on of us ties him down and the other goes for some damage ? It might be easier" [/quote]"No apologies needed and you are indeed correct. True that we'll need to fight as if we're aiming to kill him but the thing about that is, only the higher level Kido will be effective against him. So that means you should only use the higher ones when you know it'll hit because each use takes a considerable amount of Reiatsu and also reduces the effectiveness of the next. Plus I doubt he'll be just standing there throughout the entirety of this sparring session you got us into." Kirishin noted while trying to make sure Viole didn't have any cheap tricks up his sleeve by use of his peripheral vision. A small flicker of light appeared in one of Kiri's eyes as Emilo brought up and idea of how they could attack the Captain. "Hmmm....clever and simple but after watching his previous movements, the chances of capturing him in a Bakudo will be less than eight percent. Still even that, I think I have something that will catch him off guard despite it being a little risky." He covered one side of his face and moved closer to Emilo so that only the two would be able to hear what was whispered next. "I trap both myself and the Captain in a cloud of red smoke by using Sekienton while you prep your strongest Hado to engulf us both in high amounts Reiatsu which is risky but it's all I've got. So what do you say? Care to throw all logic away and attack with the highest chance we have or waste a good opportunity to impress the Captain?"