[quote=AbigailTenshi] Kaizo finally responded to Rio, lifting his arm to wipe the tears from her cheek. She immediately silenced herself, slowly closing her eyes during Kaizo's touch, happy that he was still alive. Her plum eyes drifted open as he spoke, causing her to close her mouth and gulp while looking away. His hand then slipped off of her face, making her jump to catch it. As she looked at Kaizo's arm cradled in her grip and listened to the man who helped, she nodded, placing Kaizo's arm gently beside him. The guy left before Rio could even catch his name. Shortly after, nurses piled into the room and begun to work on Kaizo. Rio then pushed herself up, off of her knees and onto her feet. She moved back a little and watched, giving the nurses room to work. Wiping her eyes on the sleeve of her uniform, she took a moment to just silently look at Kaizo, her mind swarming yet calm at the same time. Maybe she A sigh escaped her lips before she tore her gaze away from Kaizo and walked towards the door, stopping in the doorway just to look back at him one more time as he was being bandaged.... Silence... With that, she looked forward and left. [/quote] Kaizo continued to get bandaged up by the nurses and it didn't take all that long for them to do so however even in his state he could feel something was off and despite his unconscious state he somehow managed to utter something "...Ri....Rio...I...love...Rio..." it wasn't much but subconsciously he manged to utter those words, perhaps even though he was out like a light his connection with her was still strong and perhaps he could feel doubt coming from her...maybe...it's hard to tell in this sort of world...