[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/faiMWmi.png[/img][/center] Lesley’s huge grin did little to drive Leon away; in fact, it made him return a hesitant smile in response to the rather unique one Lesley had offered. Nevertheless, the pink-haired human had answered his question and Leon nodded thoughtfully, thinking back to Jasper’s actions. He hadn’t seen the girl do it but it didn’t come as a huge surprise that she’d nearly drained herself dry giving them energy. He felt a thankful towards the girl because if not for her generous act, he would’ve been partially decomposed by now. “Yes, my power is wind. I didn’t get to see much of your sparkly rainbow powers though, I was a bit busy being made a meal of. They’re so fabulous though.” It almost made Leon wish he had picked up Lesley’s gem and he wondered, for the umpteenth time, how he had ended up with the wind amulet. After the meeting with the prince – truthfully, all Leon had been thinking about was the strawberry cake – the humans were allowed to change out of their clothes into battle gear of some sort, which was a blessing for Leon. Out of his slime-ridden, goo-infested suit and into [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/284/9/7/mage__lee_go_by_riingo-d5ca1fb.png]some kind of light armor[/url], the only colors aside from black being a silvery white accented with airy light blue. Speaking of armor, where the hell was it? He patted himself down on the way to the stables, looking for something hard enough to shield him against pointy swords and lethal attacks. All he could feel was a thin, hard layer underneath his top, reminding him of the bullet-proof vests back in the human world. While at first he had been offered an oversized boomerang made of pure gold, Leon’s expression of utter fascination drove them to snatch it away from him and hand him a ruddy old [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZWxUDd4rPY8/UQP-kgIDIVI/AAAAAAAAAEw/7dFzHJhcgjc/s1600/timestave.jpg]staff[/url] instead. It was as if they knew that all the damage Leon would be doing with the boomerang would be to his own eyes as he continuously inspected his own reflection in the shiny gold surface. Upon sighting the creatures they were supposed to ride on, an expression of both horror and disgust grew on his face before Leon stuck out his pointer finger and wagged it in the air. “Oh [i]hell[/i] no! You expect me to ride this… thing?” Not even Inadi’s ultimate geek moment, no matter how adorable, made the Leon see the creatures in a better light. It looked a horrific cross-breed between a chicken and an emu, something that he definitely didn’t want to ride. But what choice did he have. Throwing one leg up over the nearest Chocobo – great, they had a ridiculous name to boot – Leon mounted the nearest mutant-chicken, careful not to lose his balance. His Chocobo, however, could somehow detect its rider’s discontent and wiggled around restlessly, making it a very hard task for Leon to stay upright. An endless stream of curses flowed from him as he struggled with the mount, unable to sit comfortably atop the thing. [Will complete tomorrow, I’m so tired D:]