[quote=Zane620] "I might be up for going up a notch, thing is can the good little boy keep up?" She was then dragged to his bed where he said it was only to get comfortable and he wasn't planning on fucking her yet the look in his eyes made her doubt that. "Why do I doubt that? Maybe its cause I know your a dirty pervert Pretty boy." Chie said looking down at herself then realized her bra was visible which made her cover it up. [/quote] [u]Fumio Hari Kouineji[/u] Fumio chuckled once more as he took a seat on his bed, gently pulling Chie to take the seat next to him when he really wanted to pull her on top of him... But it was too early for that and he didn't want to go too far if she felt uncomfortable with it. [b]"[i]Ooooo~ So you're up for it? I see~ And heh, is that so? Well, maybe I am a dirty pervert, but if that's true, I'm only a dirty pervert when it comes to you~[/i]"[/b] He gave a charming smirk as his lustful eyes scanned over Chie's face, making him lick his own lips. [b]"[i]Beauty~ How far would you want to go?~ I need you to set boundaries or else I'll go wild~[/i]"[/b] Fumio spoke with slight desperation in his voice as he leaned in closer to Chie, eyeing her lips hungrily.