[quote=Kurisa] Kaizo continued to get bandaged up by the nurses and it didn't take all that long for them to do so however even in his state he could feel something was off and despite his unconscious state he somehow managed to utter something "...Ri....Rio...I...love...Rio..." it wasn't much but subconsciously he manged to utter those words, perhaps even though he was out like a light his connection with her was still strong and perhaps he could feel doubt coming from her...maybe...it's hard to tell in this sort of world... [/quote] [u]Rio Okotaru Darishimo[/u] Rio stopped dead in her tracks... Not moving a muscle and holding her breath. Her wide eyes shook as she slowly looked down before she closed them for a second, realising the breath she held. She then slowly opened them and ridgedly turned her body around to look at Kaizo. [b]" I-I... I love.. you too... Kaizo..."[/b] Her voice grew into a whisper as she spoke, slowly making her way back over to him. The nurses had soon left, closing the door behind them. [b]"Oh Kaizo..."[/b] A small sad smile found it's way onto her face as she took a seat on the bed next to him, moving her left hand towards him to gently stroke his hair away from his face. The smile soon slipped as her eyes began to water, however she would not let a single tear escape. [b]"I... th-thought... I had... lost you"[/b] Rio continued to whisper as she bent forward, her shaky lips planting a soft kiss over his before raising her face to just look at him. His face looked calm despite the ordeal he had been through... [i]'So beautiful...'[/i].