Kurisa was sat in the underground training room that lay under the Squad 6 barracks, his Zanpakuto was rested across his legs with both his hands on the Zanpakuto, his eyes were closed as he was inside his inner world training, the only place he felt true peace was there. -Inside Kurisa's inner world- Kurisa had been sat on the floor in the large main dojo within his inner world, his Zanpakuto spirit Shuzaku opposite him, she to was also sat on the floor however not quite the same, she was sat more...casually if you will. "[b] Uhhhhhhhhh~ Kurisa! come on do something fun! it's no good you sitting in here being all boring! it makes me feel depressed![/b]" Kurisa had his eyes closed and kept them closed even when he spoke "Shuzaku I'd prefer it if you didn't try coax me into doing something [i]fun[/i] I am not a child anymore and I will not return to those ways..." Shuzaku looked at Kurisa then pouted and began sulking "[b]You used to be fun! I mean even our little spars were fun...and the oth-[/b]" Kurisa's right eye then shot open however not even close to being wide "Don't even say it...that was a terrible thing to do as you are not only my Zanpakuto spirit but I was a child...thankfully I was not scarred by such events but I'd prefer that never happen again..." Kurisa then closed his eye once again "[b]Uh! fine!...such a meany these days...well fine then when are we going to do something interesting? like fight some people!? it's been a long time since we ever fought someone strong...[/b]" Kurisa let out a slight sigh before speaking "Perhaps soon...I sense something is off which is why I am here...to practice some of my skills, but first I must master the theory behind the skill before using it in a practical sense...I want to surprise the enemy with skills they didn't know existed, combine them in ways that would never be possible by other Shinigami...I'm determined to show my worth to the Head Captain and the Kuchiki clan...I wish to become the Head someday...and what better way then showing how much greater I am than the previous head of the clan..." Shuzaku rolled her eyes...this was all he ever talked about...he was like a damn broken record