[quote=mbl] Nord, Redguard, Argonian, and maybe Orsmer could go stormcloak, anyone else just doesn't make sense unless they've got some extreme empire hatred going on.In the best interest of skyrim as a whole, the stormcloak rule is just an obviously bad idea; corrupt, war-loving leadership with questionable claim for the throne and loads of racism. The only reason empire wouldn't be the obvious choice for most players is because they were played as being incredibly torture/execution happy.I personally am pro-thalmor and would side with the empire if suddenly thrown into the TES mythos. [/quote] My first play through on the Xbox, my khajiit went Stormcloak because he's somewhat self-serving and holds a grudge, so he signed on to get back at the Imperials before he really understood what the Stormcloaks stood for, and by then it was too late to back out, although he reasoned that if he could be something of an ambassador for his people, he could hopefully change some minds about khajiit, and by extension, non-Nords if he ended up becoming one of the great leaders and heroes of the war. Second play though on PC, same character, he didn't run to join the war because it didn't concern him. The execution attempt was just botched fate, nothing personal. But after some time of adventuring the land and deciding Skyrim is a place he could potentially call home, he started to become wary of a Stormcloak victory and what it could mean for khajiit across the province, so he reluctantly joined the Legion to bring some semblance of security and peace to his adopted homeland, especially since an Empire without Skyrim is an Empire that is extremely vulnerable to the Thalmor, a group he rather dislikes based off his own back story, which I won't get into haha.