[quote=Kurisa] The head Captain sensed two presences outside his office then spoke "Enter!" Shinji waited for the two to enter, knowing one was Giovanni and the other was someone he didn't know...regardless...this could work in his favor as he had something planned for Giovanni but it required two people at the very least. He hoped this would work with both of them but still...regardless...it didn't matter, it was something they'd do like it or not...it had to be done and Shinji had choose these two [/quote] Giovanni entered and knelt as was custom. Since he was not in fact the first in line to see the head captain he remained quiet to allow the other shinigami to have his turn first. That was the main reason he remained quiet anyway. the Second and much less important reason was mainly to readjust to the Head captains spiritual pressure. it was extremely tame and wasnt suffocating or anything but because of the way Giovanni felt the world it felt...different because of the cave. while everyone else's spiritual pressure seemed 'sharper' to Giovanni the head Captains seemed 'deeper.' Being the Head Captain meant he was extremely powerful and detestably had no equal in power. But know it was like Gio was beginning to experience the depth of that power. it was an interesting sensation that was met with curiosity and caution.