[quote=AbigailTenshi] Rio stopped dead in her tracks... Not moving a muscle and holding her breath. Her wide eyes shook as she slowly looked down before she closed them for a second, realising the breath she held. She then slowly opened them and ridgedly turned her body around to look at Kaizo. Her voice grew into a whisper as she spoke, slowly making her way back over to him. The nurses had soon left, closing the door behind them. A small sad smile found it's way onto her face as she took a seat on the bed next to him, moving her left hand towards him to gently stroke his hair away from his face. The smile soon slipped as her eyes began to water, however she would not let a single tear escape. Rio continued to whisper as she bent forward, her shaky lips planting a soft kiss over his before raising her face to just look at him. His face looked calm despite the ordeal he had been through... . [/quote] -A few days later- Kaizo had finally woken up and was looking like he was getting better, he was sat upright in his bed however he was doing nothing, simply staring into thin air. No one could really tell what was going through Kaizo's head, he didn't really know himself...but something stuck in his head...he had to do it, regardless of his condition. Kaizo looked at his right hand and clenched it into a fist then took a deep breath and grabbed the covers and threw them off him as he got out of his bed and walked towards the window, he grabbed his fresh uniform from a chair nearby and put it on, then he strapped his Zanpakuto to his side and threw open the window then leaped out of it and then snuck out and away from Squad 4. Kaizo made his way through many lanes and roads and in the end he arrived at the place he needed to visit. Kaizo walked into the Squad 11 barracks and threw open the gates as he walked in then he stood there with a look of determination on his face "Where the hell is Shiro Sora!? I hear his lonely ass is sat around here these days..." Kaizo then squinted slightly and turned to look behind him, the sun blocked out the figure's details but he knew it was Shiro. He had been sat on the roof to the small gates smoking his pipe, he looked down at Kaizo then squinted slightly "[b]Well, well, well...looks like something fun arrived, although you seem to be a bit battered already. What happened? have a little issue with a tiny hollow?[/b]" Kaizo tilted his head to the right and cracked his neck then spoke to Kaizo "Yeah sure...that'd be funny if you hadn't insulted yourself...by referring to me as weak that means when we last fought you drew with someone weaker than a hollow...think about that for a second dumb ass..." Shiro listened to Kaizo then he frowned and stood up and looked down at Kaizo "[b]What you looking for cripple? a fight? cause if you carry on with your smart ass ways I'll be more than glad to kick your sorry ass...cripple or not...[/b]" Kaizo grinned at this then unsheathed his Zanpakuto "Looks like you read my mind...So...you gonna stand there all day looking like the useless shit you are or you gonna get down here and put on a show for your little boyfriends?" Shiro grit his teeth hearing what Kaizo said, he didn't know what it was about this guy but he fucking annoyed him "[b]THAT'S IT! YOU FUCKING ASKED FOR THIS![/b]" Shiro leaped into the air then pulled his Zanpakuto behind his head then came down at Kaizo, aiming to cut him...the full intention of killing him was there. Kaizo grinned at this then raised his Zanpakuto then twisted his body to the left to avoid the slash from Shiro, letting his own Zanpakuto merely scrape Shiro's as Kaizo then threw himself into the air and slammed the top of his left foot into Shiro's gut sending him flying out of the Squad 11 gates and threw a few buildings "Come on...it's embarrassing for this cripple to kick your sorry ass about so easily, get serious..." Shiro emerged from the rubble of one of the many buildings he flew into, his Zanpakuto rested on the ground with his body hunched over slightly "[b]Oh don't get so cocky...we've only just begun...[/b]" Shiro then raised his Zanpakuto and held it out to his right side as he began charging at Kaizo, Spiritual energy then engulfed him as he got closer to Kaizo then he shunpoed and appeared behind Kaizo slashing from right to left aiming to cut Kaizo clean in half however he was only met with Kaizo's Zanpakuto as he had turned to clash with Shiro "You need to be faster..." Kaizo then flicked his left hand and clenched it into a fist as he threw a punch at Shiro, hitting him successfully in the right side of the face and sending him flying into the Squad 11 barracks. "Shit Shiro get serious...this is embarrassing even for m-" Kaizo then noticed a large arc of silver wind fly past him which caused his eyes to widen, he hadn't even seen it...he didn't expect it...he could have been cut clean in two and wouldn't have even been able to do anything about it. He saw Shiro emerge from the dust with his Zanpakuto resting on his right shoulder "[b]Let me tell you something. Just because you got a few hits on the guy you're fighting doesn't mean you're stronger than him...quite the opposite...ever thought that I was testing what you could do?[/b]" Shiro then spat blood from his mouth and wiped the blood from it with his left fore arm "[b] cause I got to say...you're weak...weaker than before...something isn't right here. When you hit me last time...I felt pain...this time...I felt nothing.[/b]" Shiro then stopped infront of Kaizo and looked down at him "[b]cut me...I'll prove it to you...[/b]" Kaizo looked at Shiro "Tch! fine...but if I kill you I take no blame for it" Kaizo then slashed up at Shiro, his Zanpakuto hit Shiro's chest and instantly it met resistance, it didn't cut into him, it just flew right off his body without leaving a mark causing Kaizo's eyes to widen "I-Impossible!" Kaizo then felt Shiro's left palm slam into his face as he was then sent flying through a wall. He smashed through the wall and skidded across the floor as rubble coated his body, all he could hear was the sound of Shiro's foot steps getting closer to him, followed by his voice "[b]See what I mean? Weak...[/b]" When Kaizo heard Shiro call him weak that was all that echoed in his head, over and over it was all he could hear and that soon manifested into an unfamiliar voice "[b][i]Weak, Weak, Weak...go on...show him how weak you really are...fall off your high horse and get beaten...[/i][/b]" Kaizo frowned hearing this voice then he stumbled up to his feet panting as he looked at Shiro get closer "I'm not weak! I'M NOT WEAK!!" Kaizo ripped his Zanpakuto in two as it was enveloped in light then they two halves began to form into Kaizo's shikai, he stood there still panting however "[b]Shikai or no Shikai...it wont make a difference here...your power hasn't gone up even slightly...[/b]" Kaizo listened to Shiro and hearing what he said made his eyes widen, he was right...his power hadn't increased even slightly...in fact...he could barely feel anything from his Shikai "What the hell is going on" Kaizo said looking down at his Shikai however he quickly looked up as he saw Shiro's Zanpakuto fly at him but his body wouldn't react the Zanpakuto just pierced his left shoulder and flew out the other end into a wall behind him [i]MOVE! COME ON! MOVE DAMMIT!![/i] Kaizo's arms fell by to his side as he then fell to his knee's. Shiro then pulled on the string attached to his Zanpakuto to bring it back to him, he caught his Zanpakuto then rested it on his right shoulder and raised an eyebrow "[b]What the hell you playin' at? get up...fight...[/b] Shiro got no reaction from Kaizo, he only saw Kaizo's head drop and hang there "[b]If you don't get up I'll cut you in two right here and now!!! GET UP!!![/b]" Shiro still got no reaction from Kaizo and finally arrived infront of him "[b]FINE GET CUT IN TWO THEN!!![/b]" Shiro lifted his Zanpakuto off his right shoulder and held it high in the air then brought it down at Kaizo aiming to cut him in two A short burst of energy then shot out of Kaizo as his left hand shot up and caught Shiro's Zanpakuto then he spoke in somewhat of a hollowfied voice "Shut the fuck up...your voice is annoying me" Kaizo's head then shot up revealing part of a hollow mask forming along his left jaw line and his left cheek that were in the shape of jagged teeth, Kaizo's eyes had also turned black with the irises turned orange. "[b]What the fu-[/b]" Shiro's eyes then widened as Kaizo's right fist smashed into Shiro's gut and sent him flying back at an immense speed. Kaizo then got to his feet as the cuts that had ravaged his body healed "I can't fight in this weak shell. Now...you want someone strong to fight? try me!!" Shiro walked out of the dust from the building he had flew into, his red eyes piercing through the dust as his silhouette became more visible, then a burst of red spiritual energy shot out from Shiro blowing away the dust "[b]Now this is what I'm talking about!!![/b]" a wide grin formed on Shiro's face as he got closer to Kaizo "[b]I don't know what the hell happened to you but this is some serious strength...[/b]" Kaizo began walking towards Shiro also, a wide grin on his own face as the two got closer they then both disappeared and appeared high in the sky and clashed, the two then continued to disappear and reappear many times, clashing each time they reappeared then they clashed once more, Kaizo had blocked Shiro's Zanpakuto with his right Shikai then he pointed his left palm at Shiro as a red orb formed in the palm of his hand causing Shiro's eyes to widen as it then fired off and engulfed him, he then emerged from the red beam of energy smoking then Kaizo appeared behind him, his fist coated in black spiritual energy with an orange outline, Kaizo smashed his fist into Shiro's face as he turned causing an explosion that sent Shiro flying through the air towards the ground. As Shiro got closer to the ground he landed and skidded back a bit before jumping back as Kaizo landed on the ground forming a small crater then Kaizo vanished and appeared behind Shiro. his left hand on Shiro's left shoulder as he threw Shiro around him and through a building, As Shiro flew through the building and out the other side he saw Kaizo above him as Kaizo then punched rapidly releasing hundreds to thousands of black orbs with orange outlines that exploded as they hit Shiro, the more that hit the ground the greater the explosion grew. -At the Head Captains office- (this is a few days later bare that in mind. so he isn't going to run out on the other two. this is in the future from then or that's in the past. Either or.) Shinji had been sat in his office when a member of the Onmitsukido appeared in his office in the bowing position he expected "What is it?" The Shinigami bowed his head then spoke "[b]Head Captain, it appears that Kaizo from Squad 2 has...hollowfied, he is right now fighting the 3rd seat of Squad 11 and is overpowering him and the other Captains are nowhere to be foun-[/b]" Shinji then interrupted the messenger and spoke "I'll handle this...I was hoping something like this would never happen" Shinji stood up from his desk then walked to the balcony and shunpoed off towards the battle -At the battle- (Head Captain will use both bold and italic in this one) Shiro laid in a pile of rubble, covered in cuts and blood, his left eye was closed and his right barely open as he looked up seeing Kaizo more hollowfied than before, a hole noticable in his chest also "[b]What the hell are you?[/b]" No words came from Kaizo only a hollowfied roar, Shiro could no longer move his body and Kaizo had aimed his left palm at Shiro and began charging up a large cero aiming to blow him to bits, then a bright red line appeared across Kaizo's hollowfied mask as it then shattered in two revealing Kaizo's face however it was emotionless, almost dead looking. Kaizo then dropped to the floor as the hollowfied shell cracked off his body and shattered. Shinji appeared behind Kaizo, sheathing his Zanpakuto as many Squad 2 onmitsukido members arrived around them "[b][i] How the hell did this happen? [/i][/b]" Shinji looked around at the area which was flattened and let out a sigh then he used Bakudo 99 pt.1 to restrain Kaizo indefinitely then spoke "[b][i]Take him way and lock him in the cells within my barracks...His fate will have to be decided tomorrow by Central 46...no doubt they will execute him. [/i][/b]" The Squad 2 members appeared around Kaizo and picked him up then shunpoed off to the Squad 1 barracks to lock him away, Shinji then walked up to Shiro and looked down at him "[b][i] I don't know what you were playing at...but this isn't a game...you could have been killed there and if not for Squad 2 being onto the case then you would have died...I sensed this but I had no idea it was this sort of issue. Go get yourself healed..[/i][/b]" Shinji then turned and shunpoed off. Shiro listened to everything then his head dropped back as he spoke "[b]Yeah...whatever...[/b]" (DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN xDDD)