Uh... sorry about the double post, but here's my app. [hider=Robert Fira] Picture of your character: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/291/2/b/2b91a74a4d108752.jpg] Name: Robert Fira Age: 24 Personality: He is usually an optimistic... er... bird, however, he gets really nervous around other chocobos due to a recent traumatic experience involving them. History: Robert was actually originally a human, born and raised on Besaid Island, he was really nobody special. He wasn't the best fisherman (in fact, he's probably the worst), he wasn't the best blitzball player, no surprise given that he never participated in a single match and was usually in the audience... though he watched it as if it was a comedy rather than a sport. The only reason he would even attend those games was because it gave him an excuse to get off of the annoyingly dull island that he called home, and even gets a chance to visit the big city of Luca which was always full of new people and new things. Eventually, on one of his trips to Luca, one that happened about six years ago, after the supposedly big game between the Besaid Aurochs and the Luca Goers, he saw someone somehow create fire from their hands. Interested, and having never seen magic before, he ran right over to the guy and asked about it. The man told Robert about magic, and how it's typically cast, though, the man didn't expect Robert to actually succeed in casting a spell on his first try. It was a simple fire spell, but it was amazing to Robert, and, even better than that, Robert finally found something that he wasn't absolutely horrible at. He continued his training even after getting on the boat, and then back home. Thankfully, due to the fact that Robert lived alone at the time, he was able to practice his spells in peace. Apparently, there was a new face around the village once he got back. During the years when he was content with staying home and practicing his spells Robert, after more than a few semi-explosive failures, he found out how to cast a few more basic spells. One that could heal himself or any other living thing, another where he summoned lightning, and finally, one that could put enemies into a deep sleep. Robert wasn't content with testing these spells on the training dummies that he made from simple bags filled with sand, and set out to find some actual fiends to test his new magical abilities on... however, they never appeared. Apparently, most of the fiends went extinct some time ago. Robert had heard stories about fiends, and figured from those stories that they'd be easy enough to find, but he was wrong. He traveled all around his tiny home island in search of a fight, and came up with nothing... well, he did find an old, cracked sword lying in the sand, but that was it. Disappointed, he headed back home and went back to training using the dummies. It took another trip to Luca for Robert to figure out where he can find a fiend, apparently, the same guy that taught him how to use magic knew about a place called, rather ironically, 'the Calm Lands' where fiends still roamed, and chocobos were trained and raced against one-another. Robert just barely made it onto the only ship heading into the Calm Lands, and ended up as a stowaway in the cargo hold of the ship, which was filled with stinky, feather-covered crates. It was a ship apparently transporting live chocobos to and from Luca and the Calm Lands. The ride was somewhat short, and the stink from the birds was almost enough to make Robert head up on the deck and blow this whole thing. Thankfully, he didn't, and once the ship stopped, Robert hid inside one of the crates, along with the bird, much to his disdain, and he successfully made it into the Calm Lands, where he could actually train his magic, his only known skill. After the crate was opened with Robert making sure nobody was looking, he started roaming around the place to find something to fight. It didn't take too long to find a few fiends, a group of water flans, three of them and a perfect means for Robert to test out his relatively new thunder spell. The fight, itself was fairly easy, with each water flan going down in a couple of spells. Thanks to cure, Robert didn't really need to worry much about injury, though, he had to heal a few times in that last fight, he still felt ready to fight. Robert continued to wander around in the plains, defeating weak enemies and running from any of the stronger enemies, all the while training with the sword he found on the beach and his magic whenever applicable. Then, it happened. He was in a battle with a few condors, and, try as he might, he couldn't hit them... however, thanks to the battle, Robert wasn't paying any attention to what was happening to the left of him. He was quickly trampled by hundreds of chocobos, and knocked out right then and there. He was almost killed by that event, but thanks to Heather, a chocobo trainer who found Robert bleeding out on the ground, he ended up back in Besaid Island, in a makeshift hospital, with bandages completely covering his body. "You've been out for weeks. I thought you were dead." Heather said to Robert once he woke back up. For the next few months, Heather tried to nurse Robert back to health. During this time, Robert learned a lot about Heather. She was apparently only an apprentice trainer and was also an apprentice white mage. Heather has also never used her white magic on a human, because she was afraid of messing up, which, according to her would lead to the human getting even more injured and could possibly end with an accidental death. After those weeks, Robert showed no signs of improvement and apparently the world was going from bad to worse. Fiends were reappearing, and apparently someone had summoned some ancient monster once more. Robert grew restless, he wanted to do something about this, no, he NEEDED to do something about this, however, he was restricted to the bed, as his injuries were still far too serious for any kind of movement other than his head and face. No matter how much he begged, Heather wouldn't heal him using her magic, though, eventually, she got an idea. It was weird, and it was risky, but it was probably the only way Robert would ever walk, or really do anything again. Heather finally agreed to heal Robert, which took him completely by surprise, however, what he didn't expect was for her to cast Sleep on him. Once he woke up, something seemed... off. Of course, the first thing he noticed was the fact that he wasn't in excruciating pain anymore, but, something else was off. Not wanting to delay any further, however, Robert ignored whatever could have possibly happened to him, picked up his sword, thanked Heather for all of her help, and rushed outside to help against the fiends... of course, he couldn't do this alone, so, after fighting some weak fiends that invaded his hometown, he would set off to find others that might help Robert destroy this ancient monster. Warrior Class: Red Mage Weapon, if any: A simple iron sword that has several cracks running down the left side of the blade. It's a small sword, measuring in at about two and a half feet long. It's also light enough to be wielded using one hand/wing/talon/whatever. Rust has also formed on the left side of the blade, as a consequence of it being left near salty water for an unknown length of time. Abilities: Fire, Thunder, Cure, Sleep, and Chocobo Kick Extra Information: chocobo kick counts as his 'overdrive', as in, he won't use it unless he's desperate. He also won't use it until he actually knows what he is now. Open to romance: Yes [/hider] It may need a few more edits, but I think its timeline is vague enough to work.