So true, for I once provided 500 words detailing a character's appearance in a past CS. Not quite human of course and many additonal features requiring necessary explanation. Was not the clearest of descriptions, even with all of those extra words. [url=]Iona's Referenced Attire[/url] For Iona, the image linked above is the closest representation of what kind of attire I wished for her to have. I really like the overall color scheme of the entire outfit, which happens to be my greatest draw of attention. The leggings and the skirt are pretty close to something I would keep, possibly lengthening the skirt a bit more. The open top around the midriff could probably be covered up, showing no skin. Maybe this lower portion of the top could retain a light, almost silvery coloration as does a majority of the outfit. I think the sleeves are neat, but aren't truly necessary, if it came down to it. The head piece is interesting, though something I am still questioning. I keep imagining the headwear symbolizing dark thunder clouds. Having her hair in a pony tail would be an entertaining prospect, reaching just below her shoulder blades. Her silvery, luminescent wings taking the place of all that hair in the image, to both sides.