Kenpatchi "Kenny" Kenny knelt before the Head Captain, keeping his head bent as a sign of immense respect. When he noticed the other Reiatsu, Kenny did not change his expression, only increasing his own subconsciously. Knowing the Head Captain likely disapproved of this, he willed his Reiatsu back into control. As he spoke in his deep, deep bass, he did so cautiously, and only with the most respectful language he could think of. "[b][i]Head Captain, sir, I have come here to respectfully request a mission, and came here as all of the other captains were busy. Otherwise, I would not have bothered you, sir. I know you have more important things to do than attend to matters such as this.[/i][/b]" He kept his head down, and like a hallucination, his Zanpakutō spirit, Sankontessuo (Iron Reaver) appeared beside him, knelt in the similar fashion as he was. Looking towards the Head Captain with his head still bent low, he saw that Sankontessuo was kneeling in awe of the Head Captain's Zanpakutō spirit. The situation matched the owners; one incomprehensibly powerful, the other strong, but not a captain yet. Kenpatchi felt the irony of the situation in spades. For all of Sankontessuo's boasting and quoting, he still kneeled to his "betters."