"Uh," was all Dai could manage, standing awkwardly in the doorway just behind the thin screen, "welcome?", his eyes drifting between the four of them and then finally settling on Faith, whom eased his mind considerably. He'd left Eleanor on the couch in the entry room a bit earlier so she could rest, and even though the knocking had been enough to get him off his computer again he was certain she was still asleep, but despite this he glanced back at her worriedly before sliding the screen door open, letting it vanish neatly into the door-frame, and stepping out onto the porch. He was slouching slightly, a typical trait of his when he wasn't in what he considered public, and it brought him down a few inches to about five foot eight, and again, as he had been doing for the last ten or twenty minutes, he subconsciously rubbed the back of his head and proceeded to fiddle with his hair, while decidedly avoiding prolonged eye contact with either of the boys he didn't know. But, having been standing around just long enough to see the last girl arrive, he smiled at her and said, in as friendly a voice as he could muster; "I'm Diana."