“I stand,” Ell replied rather curtly. “I mean it's hard to get up from laying on the floor, you know? Well I guess you probably wouldn't [i]really[/i] know. It must be nice to be able to use a bed.” Turning her attention to Aelotte, she hesitated slightly. The girl's hand was an absolute mess, full of glass like some sort of morbid pincushion and getting bloodier by the second. “Arts and crafts are great and all, but I'm pretty sure that's not to best way to make red stained glass.” She gingerly reached over and took a particularly large hunk of glass out of the harpy's hand in lieu of a handshake. She dropped the shard on the floor and smashed it with a hoof before wiping the blood off her fingers on her leg. It wouldn't be a great idea to be seen with a bloody piece of glass next to somebody with a jacked up hand. Not really knowing what to say next, she carefully sat down on the floor. Even if she couldn't add anything more to the conversation at the moment, she figured it was probably better to stick with Sloan and Aelotte than to go it alone. Besides, the horse instinct in her always gave her the nagging feeling to 'herd' up with others. Being alone for very long made her panicky.