[quote=CodeMana] "Well I like the sound of that" Emilo smiled as the plan was laid and now all he had to do was wait for Kiri to start. His mind searched for the one hado he could fire. He did not want to damage Kiri, but if the guy was willing to take the chance who was Emilo to stop him. [/quote] Viole patiently waited, allowing the two to scheme and think up of a plan. He kept on waiting, his patience running thin. They had been talking for so long. What could they be talking about? Viole felt a bit left out, a vein popping as the two kept on whispering "Well....seeing as how the two of you aren't gonna make a move" Viole removed his hand from his back and prepared to attack, getting into an attacking stance "Here I come" Viole announced, shunpoing between the two of them. Viole was staring at Kirishin with his eyes, shooting out a Sho from his glare. He then turned to Emilo, sending a straight forward and poorly sent uppercut. Although it was apparent he had poor Hakuda skills, the speed of his punch was slightly above their speed.