[hider=Aria] [img=http://i.imgur.com/ntuqh81.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Aria Cadensford [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]SO:[/b] Heterosexual [b]History:[/b] Aria was born the daughter of a no-name pirate captain from East Blue, who her mother was she doesn’t know, and her earliest memories were of clutching her father’s leg as he was arrested by the marines. Thankfully, she wasn’t considered a pirate since she was so young, but she was still forced into an orphanage near the very edge of the Red line. Living out a good few years there, she grew tired of waiting for someone to come and take her, instead choosing to go carve out her own piece of the world, and stowed away on a passing naval vessel heading slightly further along the northern coast of the Red Line. When the vessel stopped near an island to the North West of the Red Line, she escaped without being seen, and came upon the island which was completely abandoned, save for one peculiar being; a boy with small wings. The boy was surprised to see another person on the island, and Aria was surprised when he explained where he was from; the clouds up above. Marvelling at the winged boy, she decided to stay with him on the island, and learned all that she could about the man from the sky. As the years went on, he told her more and more about the world above, while she explained about the sea-locked world. Eventually, he would teach her how to hunt and survive using a bow, although she was a bit too softhearted to kill animals herself. Once she had blossomed into a young lady, she remained as polite as ever, and ever curious about the world above. One day when she was off gathering wood for their fire he’d simply...vanished. She waited and waited as long as she could stand, living for a year alone in some desperate hope that her only real friend in the world would return, but he never did. When she couldn’t wait any longer, she fashioned herself a raft from the wood on the island, and made her way down the Red Line, searching for her friend. [b]Personality:[/b] Aria could best be described as a very well-mannered young lady, and is courteous and polite to most everyone, even strangers, though when she feels she has been insulted she may become indignant. She has a compulsion to constantly practice, and as such prefers that nobody really get in her way under most circumstances; a habit that carries over even when she isn’t holding her bow. She tends to be overprotective of things that matter to her, be they people, things, or animals. [b]Other Bio:[/b] Aria wants to find her winged friend, and if possible, go to the world above the clouds with him. (Beyond this I have nothing.) [b]Crew Position:[/b] Sniper [b]Weapons:[/b] Aria’s bow is nothing really special, it’s well-used, made of sturdy ash-wood, and isn’t too big or too small. Obviously, she carries a quiver when she needs to use her bow. She also has a portable arm-mounted crossbow on her right arm, which can collapse into the gauntlet on her arm. [b]Abilities:[/b] Beyond her accuracy, she also uses a technique for holding her arrows that [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zGnxeSbb3g] greatly raises her shooting efficiency.[/url] [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBHslwFN5dc]Aria’s Theme[/url] [/hider] Urmuhgurd this took WAY too long.