I've notified Soul that a Co-GM position is available, as he deserves it most. If he turns it down, I have two other candidates that I may choose from. We shall see. Me and another member of this RP have been discussing some matters of the RP in greater detail, as it will affect that character's performance. Nothing OP of course, no favoritism, just making sure the character does things right. This is relevant because some details of the RP were hazy and I realize that now so I want to take a second to get everyone's opinion. Most of us never specified how long each of us were in prison, nor if we were good friends with any of the RPer's yet, or even acquaintances yet. More importantly, we never specified how long have the bracelets been weakening. This is a big detail that I've over looked so I'm saying sorry now. So, for the sake of making the RP last longer than a page before we try to break out. I personally would like the bracelets to be at 100% operating capacity. Then as we progress, dealing with the hazing and terrors of being in prison, we notice that we can feel our power from out of no where. For those of those of us who have powers that may go unnoticed, this means things will be easy for you, for us that have more drastic powers, we'll have to be creative in exercising our abilities. By doing this, we will slowly but surely, be weakening them further. Similar to how once someone develops a cold weather injury, they are more susceptible to it again. This is my idea for making the RP last and allow us time for character/relationship development. If you guys want to chime in with your ideas for this, please do so as I am interested to see what you guys want to do.