As the flame elemental form of Athinar approached the gate and attempted to singe it, he found that he could not. The outer surface seemed to deform by his fire magic, but beyond that the door remained impervious to his attempts to open it. This door was strange, as his magic ought to have burnt directly into the steel. Perhaps the steel door was protected by some sort of magical barrier? Whatever the case, it didn't seem Athinar could budge the door. Behind Athinar were several others. The Varan Arkadi had arrived second, while Serkan, Dasmira, and Aveline had arrived not long after. They examined the courtyard and explored its surroundings. A hard gust of wind blew, causing the rocks in the crane above to swing slightly. A well-placed shot could send the rocks tumbling down into the middle of the courtyard's blood-circle. As the young woman Dasmira passed off and scanned the dead bodies she would scoop up what little bit of valuables they had. She acted as if she did nothing and no one had noticed her doing it. As she reached down to fumble around in a small bag she pulled out an old coin from ages past. She walked off and, once again, acted as if she didn't do anything. Behind her, however, the bones began to shake back and forth. They began shaking so much that for a few seconds one could hear their vibrations. The bones began to move around,turning and re-aligning themselves before levitating in the air and forming some sort of undead human. All around the courtyard dozens of undead warriors began to form, weapons at the ready and intent on subduing these invaders. "RAAGGHHH!" yelled one of the undead as it charged towards Arkadi, sword high up in the air. [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [b]"They have arrived."[/b]