[center][i][u]Synopsis:[/u] Andreios has been enslaved again by the man he once called master, James Wenham. But this time, he is more helpless than ever. The man who has expertly covered his cruelty from public eye secretly dangles his own daughter's life in front of Andreios, knowing that she, Ava, is his one weakness. Andreios had unwittingly fallen for the clumsy girl while he was still free, & would do anything to keep her safe. However, Ava doesn't remember him at all. Her father has effectively wiped her mind clean of the past two years where she was escaped as well. She has moments of deja vu when they are together, but Andreios cannot tell her of their past together for the fear that Ava's father will step in & end her life, or worse, she will scorn him & completely ignore his warnings. As James becomes increasingly violent towards Ava & tries to push her into a terrible marriage to cover his tracks, Andreios must decide if he will watch the woman he misses suffer, or if he will risk everything to save them both.[/i][/center] --- [b]Ava wasn't so sure that she was having a good morning. Although she was able to sleep in a little, eat her favorite breakfast, & her father was spending more time at the table than usual, she couldn't help but feel off, a bit more restless than usual. As she quietly ate her food & stared off into space, Doctor James Wenham closed his medical notes for a moment, looking at his daughter with an unreadable expression on his face. "Ava, would you like to go visit your mother today?" the man asked, Ava perking up considerably. With a smile, James gestured to a maid before he went to Ava's chair, pulling her out into the corridor. "I have a present for you, Dear," the father said quietly, "Seeing as you are becoming old enough to travel without my assistance, I hired an old friend to become your personal bodyguard. He will accompany you on your trips outside of our home, & stay close whenever I have to leave on business. Does that sound fair to you?" Still awestruck that she was being allowed to go visit her mother's healing cabin without her father hovering about, Ava nodded. James took his daughter down to the main foyer where a man in daunting armor & remarkably familiar face stood near the exit. He didn't look very happy at all, but Ava supposed he was just a man with a sour attitude. She didn't mind as long as she was able to escape this huge prison for a few hours. "Aranhil," Jason called, his voice a bit more stern, "This is my daughter, Ava. I trust that she will be in good care with your hands. See to it that she doesn't even suffer a scratch while she is away." Not seeing the wicked gleam in her father's eyes, Ava walked straight up to Aranhil & gave him a bit of a wobbly curtsy, wondering why she was so unsteady on her feet. It was like she hadn't bowed before someone in forever & her muscles couldn't remember how to do it at all; odd. "Good morning, Lord Aranhil," Ava told her new bodyguard, "It is a pleasure to meet you. Please treat me kindly."[/b]