[quote=Jster] Is it going to take place in Spam or elsewhere?Also, as long as I get to be Benjen. [/quote] I am still debating that. Advanced is the perfect platform for the game, as it can easily separate between Discussion and SP/Lynch Votes. The only advantage of having it in Spam is that most people here look at Spam, whereas they don't look at Advanced very often. [quote=Awson] I am in. If you'll accept me...I apologize for being inactive on your last one. Weren't a bunch of people inactive and it was all kind of weird and slow? Idr.Anyway. It's a different time, with a source material I like, and if I don't wind up with a... uh... COMPLETELY POWERLESS character...I would love to participate.But I wouldn't blame you for saying no. [/quote] You're fine. A lot of people were inactive. It was a strange thing that I had never had happen in my games. You're welcome in any of my games. I'll just be keeping a closer eye on everyone. So, you know what that means. Check your PMs often, lol.