[quote=Phobos] Viole patiently waited, allowing the two to scheme and think up of a plan. He kept on waiting, his patience running thin. They had been talking for so long. What could they be talking about? Viole felt a bit left out, a vein popping as the two kept on whispering "Well....seeing as how the two of you aren't gonna make a move" Viole removed his hand from his back and prepared to attack, getting into an attacking stance "Here I come" Viole announced, shunpoing between the two of them. Viole was staring at Kirishin with his eyes, shooting out a Sho from his glare. He then turned to Emilo, sending a straight forward and poorly sent uppercut. Although it was apparent he had poor Hakuda skills, the speed of his punch was slightly above their speed. [/quote] Before Emilo even could react he noticed that Viole had moved and was now right in front of him. He crossed his arms in front of him and uttered "Baku-" but he didn't get further before Viole's fist had made its way up and collided with Emilo's jaw. The punch hurt and he was knocked backwards, but he was still standing on his feet. A groan of agony was the only sound Emilo made as he traced his glance back to Viole. Unsure how Kiri was Emilo decided that there was no time to waist. "Change of plans, I will hold him down, you figure out how to do the rest" Emilo wasdone with this, it was all out time. He was not about to conserve any power what so ever and just fire of everything he could. Folding his hands Emilo spoke "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" and as he pointed his index finger out he fired a beam of yellow light "Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō" and before he was sure if the attack hit started his next one "Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end." now with his hands folded again he slammed the small orbs into the ground and prayed that Viole would not find a way out of all this "Bakudō #75. Gochūtekkan" The pillars formed in the sky and fell down towards Viole. As all his kido was fired Emilo fell to his knees, tired and scarping by on the last energy he had. "What ever your name was ! Deal with Viole now !" His hands dug into the dirt as he watched his captain, hoping that the kido would at least connect and not just get turned back