[b]Name:[/b] Thalia Jager [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Raven black, sleek hair. She's short, at around 5'4 but prides herself on staying fit. She plays soccer at the school so she's nowhere near being heavy. She has bright blue eyes and a few tattoos. She is, in fact, obsessed with tattoos and has quite a few. She likes to dress like an average girl, sticking normally to neutral colors and comfy shoes. She does, however, love her combat boots. Along with the tattoos below she also has a tattoo on both of her hipbones of claw marks, filled in with leopard print. [hider=Here][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/zkn0ig.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Thalia picked up a lot of her grandfather's characteristics. He was a carefree, loud and fun man. She turned that around and became a happy, boisterous and friendly girl. Her life consists of family, soccer and tattoos. Ever since her car accident, she's been a little different. She gets angry really easily as well as defensive and often times, when her emotions are on overload, she has trouble controlling her fits of violence. [b]Subjects: [/b] [i]Here to become an orthopedic surgeon[/i] Athletic training English Soccer Calculus Sports Medicine Boxing [b]Social group:[/b] In between, but she gravitates towards jocks [b]Bio:[/b] Thalia grew up with her grandfather and her older brother, Alex. Her grandfather was always one with jokes and he was constantly riding his motorcycle with all of his friends, leaving Thalia with her brother all the time, who was only eight years her senior. Four years ago, after school, Thalia's brother and grandfather left her with a family friend. She doesn't talk about her time spent with said person, only that she changed after that. One night, when the man was drunk, they were in a car wreck and she was flung from the front seat before the truck wrapped around a tree. Her brother and his fiancee didn't believe her story, only mourning over the loss of their old friend. According to Alex, her grandfather hadn't planned on coming back from their trip. After being with her brother a short time, she got back into soccer and even went all out, beginning to get tattoos all over the place. Her brother, upon having a baby, kicked her out and she now lives at the university thanks to a generous lump some of inheritance that she found her parents had left her.