[quote=Kurisa] Kazuya listened to the Captain then spoke "Y-Yes sir...." Kazuya swiftly signed the papers, reading them as he did to make sure he knew what he was signing then he handed the papers to the Captain and bowed his head a little "I-I do...umm...think t-that I will b-e able t-to do m-missions...sir..." Kazuya would likely be able to do missions...not to much of a problem just sparring...it was a different case...he wasn't exactly great with hollows either but he'd try his best to get into this Squad... [/quote] (Past & Future Kyoko at the end of the post) Having seen the Captain sheath his own blade, blinking once and quickly realizing the situation soon sheathed Dokuga. Crimson orbs returning to their normal state of a golden hue that looked forward. Giving a small bow of her head as she heard her now Captain speak, the smallest of smiles gracing Kyoko's expression for the briefest of moments. [b]"Thank you, Taicho."[/b] Came the simple and brief reply. Then turning her attention towards the raven haired male from previously, he seemed ever so shy to her, and yet she didn't understand just why. What was the difference between a spar and a mission, did it really matter all that much? Not to her, but everyone was different and the white haired female knew she should respect that at least. Looking back and forth as she heard that they would then be completing a mission together, how strange. Still, she knew the Captain must have his own reasons for putting them together, and right now she wasn't one to question that judgement. Even Dokuga had agreed with her on that one. Taking the form with a small smile like before, at least trying to show she meant no harm towards the black haired Shinigami. Quickly but carefully filling it in, her attention switching between talk and filling in what was required of her. Soon handing her own back to the Captain, eyes having flashed scarlet briefly as she read the document, picking out the key points that would tell her all she needed without reading the whole thing. Waiting until both finished speaking, the white haired Shinigami then soon spoke up herself. [b]"Taicho, may I ask what kind of mission this is?"[/b] It would be helpful to know after all.