In the end, however, Violetta found no rest. The bizarre dream of a youth she later came believe she had seen once or twice around school would not leave her mind for the rest of the morning and eventually, she just couldn't take it anymore and woke up a whole hour earlier than usual. As per the usual, her father was absent from the house, having, in recent times, picked up a job with a publishing company in Tokyo and thus only spent Sundays at home. It didn't change much for Violetta, however. She could take care of herself and, besides, her father's cooking was absolutely terrible. [i]Good riddance[/i] she thought to herself as she reflected on the subject, pulling herself out of bed. 6AM. An ungodly hour to be awoken at, but alas, it was equally ungodly to remain in bed for another hour more with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling and think. At least getting ready for school would take her mind off of things. First, a shower was in order. She never did understand the Japanese tradition of a shower (for cleaning) and a bath (for relaxing) in the same evening, every evening, and instead preferred the more practical and more streamlined Russian-slash-everywhere else in the developed world tradition of a shower in the morning [i]or[/i] the evening, if one is feeling particularly unclean after a day of, for example, exercise. Ironically enough to her own ideals, culture and tradition, Violetta's bathroom, and house in general, was of a traditional Japanese style. In effect, this meant that the tub, no matter how large it was (Violetta suspected one could pile two corpses in it), served little to no purpose except for when she absolutely had to take a bath, a rare event and the utilitarian shower meant that her showers were somewhat less enjoyable compared to if she were to live in a western style house where the shower was the main priority in washes, complete with instant-hot water, multiple nozzles and all sorts of amazing, bourgeois goodies. Of course, perhaps that was only a pipe dream hatched by the capitalist, consumerist societies of modern day nations, but Violetta thought it an interesting thing to wish for nonetheless. Certainly served more purpose than a top of the line cellphone, such as the one she carried, at least in her opinion. A shower could in fact dictate how one would go through the rest of their day; cold and fulfilling or hot, steamy and enjoyable. [i]That sounded wrong.[/i] Violetta silently remarked as she removed her bedclothes and prepared the water of the boring, old style shower, that took ages for the hot water to start, which prompted her to start the water and do something else before getting in the shower, or else she would face the unforgiving torrent of cold water. Not an exciting proposition. Thus, she instead spent a moment bringing her clothes ; clean except for the smell of sweat coming off of them. It would be a waste to machine wash them, so she put them aside for a more old fashioned method of cleaning when she had some time in the evening. Finishing this, she finally was able to see some steam wafting away from the shower and she entered, letting the hot water wash away any thoughts of the dream, which, while not unpleasant, felt somewhat haunting, forboding even and she preferred greatly to not remember it, for whatever reason. Shaking the thought away, she reached for the necessary soaps, shampoos and various other products that she deemed necessary in her daily cleaning and began to lather and rub her body with the different liquids, stepping out of the downpour of steaming hot water when necessary and lithely returning into the water when she needed to rinse. This continued for about five minutes before she finally finished with her hair and stepped out of the shower, turning the knob and opening the door in near synchronization. She grabbed her own, designated towel from the heated rack with equal agility, which would create an impressive, perhaps intimidating display for anyone (read: pervert) who would watch her shower. First rubbing out her hair with the towel to keep her rather long hair from dripping water on the floor, she moved over to the counter to finish her morning cleansing; makeup, teeth brushing, hair drying and face washing, among other things. While Violetta didn't especially care about her own appearance in regards to what others think about it, she did think of doing her daily morning routines to their fullest as a matter of self-respect. Looking nice to others, in her honest opinion, was a bonus. Within a few minutes, she had finished and she then put on her underwear which she had retrieved from her dresser before heading over to the bathroom. With her body dry, she could now move throughout the house without a worry. Now, breakfast was in order. Passing the washing machine and dryer as she left the bathroom, she listened to verify if the dryer had finished drying her uniform and hearing it still chug away, she shrugged and continued onward towards the kitchen. The first thing she remarked upon entering the was that her father had been considerate enough to put water in the espresso machine before leaving. Violetta and her father didn't drink traditional coffee, instead preferring the more direct, hard and powerful boost of an espresso in the morning. Violetta always drank hers without any sugar, cream or other substances that could be added, in deep contrast to most girls her age who sought bean based energy in the form of cream, chocolate, sugar or even vanilla laden drinks, such as cappucinos or mochas. While Violetta certainly had nothing against these drinks and those who preferred them, she definitely felt much more of a boost in the steamy, thick liquid that was an espresso. Besides, it was simpler to make, even with an older machine. Just put ground coffee in the machine, hit the button and let it fill up a cup. Along with her coffee, she decided that with the time she had before she would need to go to school, she would have more than enough time to make something more lavish than usual, deciding that this morning, she would indulge herself with the sweet flavors of [i]pain perdu[/i]. Soaking some bread in a creamy liquid she wasted no time in preparing, she set them onto the oily pan and continued in making the delicious European breakfast as she drank her espresso. It took a good moment to prepare, the liquid having taken the most time, but it was more than worth it in her opinion. The Russian girl also decided to have a bit of apple, in order to balance out her breakfast and she contently munched this down along with the French toast. Finishing these, she took her various, self-chosen vitamins with a glass of milk and cleaned this all up and returned to the bathroom to find that the dryer had finished with her uniform. Her clothes in hand, the half-naked Violetta returned to her room to get dressed. Finally, after about forty-five minutes of necessities and an extra quarter-hour of various fripperies, she had finished her morning preparations. And yet, despite all the time taken up by these practices, she still had a good amount of time before classes began, due to her waking an hour earlier than usual. It only took a half hour for her to walk to school, so she had about thirty minutes before she would even need to leave the house. Not desiring to leave early, she plopped herself down on the sofa and turned on the television. News. Well, nothing new there. Her father and herself both only ever watched the news, as they were generally disinterested by the typical Japanese television pastimes of cheesy game shows and the world famous anime category of shows. Thus, whenever they rarely turned on the television, they watched whatever news channel was the first one they got to by hitting the program button on the remote. Generally, not much of note happened in New Harumi. It was, if anything, a modern while unremarkable city with low levels of crime and not much to report. However, the current report piqued Violetta's interest for whatever reason. [i]Disappearances in New Harumi City! Authorities suggest a connection with recent sightings of strange figures in the western district shipping trainyards. Citizens are urged to stay away for the time being, however no evidence has been found, with the police expected to change focus later today to the earlier murder of Doctor Tanigawa in the outskirts of town...[/i] For some reason, Violetta found herself somewhat interested by this strange report. Normally, such things didn't tend to interest her, but for once it did and it was frustrating not to know why. If she had friends, perhaps she could investigate it later in the day. Even if it was only a peak into the western district trainyards, it still could be an interesting thrill-seeking venture. Not really her thing, but she wondered if someone else might find it interesting. Bizarrely enough, Violetta almost wished someone would take her there with them, as the beginning of some romantic crime adventure. [i]Nyet. That is impossible. I have just been reading too many light novels.[/i] She smirked as she realized the time and turned off the TV before leaving out through the door.